Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It’s leap year day and I didn’t think much about it all day long. Anymore it seems that days run together and that’s fine with me. It means I’m more absorbed in what God is actually doing around me and through me than in watching the calendar. (or maybe I’m just irresponsible…) Anyway, it was a nice day and I enjoyed it, no matter what the number was.

I got up early and said hi to Saturnino, Aracelys and Lydia. It was good to see them again. Lydia brought 2 of her kids over to play with Manuel this morning. The do pretty well considering that they don’t speak each other’s language. They played on the trampoline and then went swimming.

Sherry, Lesly and I went to town for a few groceries and to try to talk to business about getting a special something for the Mission House. If it works out it will be a great thing for us and the teams that come down. We’ll see. Sherry drove the SUV, which happens to be an automatic, so that makes Lesly more comfortable riding with us gringo women drivers. It was so good to get out and see the town a little. I saw Ricardo at the La Union grocery store. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as a welcome. It’s nice to be remembered.

Lunch was yummy. Meatloaf, rice, beans, slaw and fried sweet plantains. Mike and German were gone all day to Estelí, meeting with Pastors there about the Crusade coming in June. They were also scoping out places for the team to stay that week during the Crusade. Not an easy chore to find good accommodations here in Nica sometimes. I know I’ll miss my own bed that week! But it will be worth it to see so many people accept Christ.

Manuel and I played a couple of times today. He likes to play pretend stuff, like being married, going to the grocery store, going to the airport to pick up teams, going to a concert, preaching, etc… He had school for a couple of hours this afternoon. He’s doing really well. He’s been really sweet to hang out with.

I got word from a veteran team, who is coming back this summer, that their Christian School raised $1200 for school supplies for the kids here in Nica. How wonderful!!! Thank you Highland Baptist Church in New Iberia LA. Can’t wait till you guys get here!!!

I worked on my room a little more today. Getting things put away and organized a little bit. I’m so tired of ‘stuff’. Glad we don’t take anything with us to heaven!!! But I shouldn’t complain, about 95% of the material things I have are for ministry use and for that I’m grateful.

I had left over mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner tonight. I’m trying to drink lots of water to keep the swelling down in my ankles. Gotta get back into the Nica lifestyle and take care of myself.

I worked on a new Bible Study for the women this evening. I think they will enjoy it very much. I know I am. I have to judge how much we can actually cover in each weekly session, since we never get started on time (the Nica way) and everything has to be translated. But I think it will be really good. I’m so blessed to get to teach the women again.

I think I’ll watch a quick video and then read and go to sleep. It’s been a good day. Tomorrow I will start my walking routine again. I am so out of shape (more than before) and need to get back at it. Sherry, Lesly and possibly Jaasiel are going to do Pilates 2 mornings a week. Sherry is our slavemaster, I mean coach. It will be tough, but I know I will feel better each week as I progress to better health. Pray for me!!!

Well, time to say goodnight and sweet dreams.
I’m so happy to be here and serve my precious Savior.

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