Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I’m back in Nica!!! It feels like I never left! Which makes my emotional rollercoaster a little bit more crazy! Ha

I got up at 3:30am and got showered and dressed. My stomach wasn’t awake and was a little queasy, so I skipped breakfast and just drank part of a Sprite on the way to the airport. Becca was so sweet to pick me up this morning and drive me to the airport. I was a little concerned that I might have to take stuff out of my suitcases and she was a trooper and parked the van to come in with me just in case I needed her to take stuff back with her. We moved some items between the suitcases to make them acceptable and I got to keep everything with me. Yay! We said our goodbyes and I headed for security.

I got all checked in and ate a scone and water before heading to my gate, which was in the newest part of the airport. It was nice.

My flight to Atlanta was good. We arrived 30 minutes early. It’s the first time that I have flown Delta to Nica and I have to say that the customer service all day long was good. I may have to fly Delta more often! Since we got to Atlanta early, I got to have some hot breakfast/brunch before heading to Nica. That plane was about 30 minutes late leaving, but the flight was good. I dozed a little bit on each plane since the seat next to me was empty. Good trip.

Mike and German met me at the Managua airport. We rode back to León in the new little SUV that replaces ChinChin. The new car doesn’t have a name yet. It doesn’t have a lot of power, but get great gas milage and has 4 wheel drive and is higher up from the road, so it will be good on the rutted roads. It was a nice ride to the Mission House.

Alberto, Sherry, Manuel and Buster (the dog) greeted me. It was so good to get here! The first thing I did was change from my warm up pants and shirt into shorts and t-shirt and flip flops! I talked with Sherry and Mike for a little bit while Manuel had school (he’s homeschooled here at the Mission House) and then Manuel and I played together.

After the Hulsey’s left, I started unpacking my suitcases. It’s not all put away yet, but the suitcases are empty and stowed away. There was some yummy grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans left from lunch for my dinner. Of course I ate them cold (my favorite) while unpacking.

I unpacked the 4 Walkie Talkie’s that I brought down and got them set up to charge overnight. We will have fun trying them out tomorrow.

About 7:30 I put a movie in my computer and just rested and enjoyed some entertainment. I’m going to read a little bit and go to sleep early.

Sherry and Manuel will be here early in the morning, as well as Lesly. It will be fun. I hope I wake up extra early so I can go walking. I have not been walking for my exercise in almost 2 months! I need to get back into a healthy routine!!!

I’m glad to be back. I know it will be tiring sometimes, but I’m so thankful to get to be here to serve. My friends in the states seem a lifetime away, but I can keep up with everyone through Facebook and emails, so we’ll be connected.

I’m so thankful for my Lord for letting me live here and serve here. There is much work to do with the ministry and we are grateful that God is opening so many doors for us. We’re praying for more and more workers. It’s awesome!

Time for prayers and bed. Counting my blessings.

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