Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm on REAL internet!! woohoo!!
I'm visiting my nephew-in-law's house, waiting on Stacey to get off work to go shopping. I love being able to sit here on my computer with real internet and get some work done.

Saturday morning, I went with Sandy to Isaac's basketball game. He's one of my great-nephews and is on a 7 year old team. They were funny to watch. The score starts at 50 each. So fun to watch them. I know it was hard for Sandy, though, as she was probably expecting Dad to walk through the door anytime. He never missed the kids' ballgames.

Later, Sandy, Stacey and I went shopping for more wedding stuff. It was a LONG day. We had a nice lunch Olive Garden and hit a bunch of stores. We were so tired on the way home. We went through a Starbucks and I got a Chai Tea Latte. It was soooo good! It felt nice to ride in the car on the way home. Sitting down never felt so good!

Sunday morning I was blessed to join Stacey and Rob for church. We went to the little church down the road from Sandy's house, which is where Rob and Stacey are getting married. (their home church is not currently built enough to house weddings) Even though this is a Methodist Church in the Midwest, it reminds me very much of a Souther Baptist Church in the south.

Sunday afternoon we had party food and celebrated Jan/Feb/Mar birthdays. Then we watched the Super Bowl. It was a nice afternoon.

Yesterday, Colten and I visited my Mom while Sandy finally went to the doctor. She has a bad sinus infection, which I'm sure is not helped at all by all the dust and dirt she's in working at Dad's house. Anyway, I had a nice visit with Mom and Gary and Colten got Mom to fix him some hotdogs for a snack. He has them wrapped around his finger. We dropped Colten off to visit with his Aunt Sheila and then Sandy and I worked a few hours on Dad's house. I finished up some wedding projects and then enjoyed watching some tv with Sandy and Terry.

This morning, Sandy and I came into Dad's and met uncle Bob for some more work on the collectibles to get ready for a sale. It's a lot of hard work and I hope it will be very fruitful. There are thousands and thousands of little tractors and farm implements and vehicles. It's a long process to sort, organize, research, price and display everything. How crazy!

This afternoon, we grabbed lunch at Arby's (I'm so excited that they have baked potatoes now!!) and came over to Rob's house to get Colten and to use the internet. I think I could go for a nap, but that's not in the cards for today. Stacey will pick me up in about 30 minutes and we'll go bridesmaid gift shopping. I also want to run by Hobby Lobby to get some patterns that are on sale for 99 cents each. (I want to take all I can back to Nica for the sewing classes). It will be fun to spend time with Stacey.

It's been a good visit. I can't believe that the wedding is this Saturday and then I go back to AR on Monday. Just 2 short weeks in AR and then I'm off to Nica for 6 months. Time is sure flying by.

I'm thankful for all the blessings that God is allowing in my life right now. He is faithful!

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