Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wedding Day!!

Saturday morning, Stacey woke me up to drive her to the church to have the girls hair stuff start at 7:30am. One problem, no one told the pastor that we wanted the church that early. So we went back to Sandy’s and started on hair with the grandkids running around. It was quite the morning. I ran to the interstate to pick up Rob’s sister and bring her the rest of the way to the house. Then I got my shower and dressed and we all finally left for the church in shifts about 11:00am.

Pictures didn’t start on time, but everyone was finally at the church. The photographer was wonderful. Very sweet and calm and good at her job. I don’t think wedding pictures ever go smoothly, but I think we had a good chance of being in the top ten of unorganized groups!

Stacey looked absolutely smashing in her dress. She wore her hair up with curls. It was so pretty. I was hoping she would wear it that way. She is so not-girly and it was fun to see her all dressed up. She is a natural clothes horse and everything looks good on her. I got a good picture of her putting on her deodorant AFTER putting on her dress, so it’s a classic. The funniest thing was when she needed to pee and it took 3 bridesmaids to hold up her dress in the bathroom. That’s probably too much information for some of you, but it was funny and so fitting for our family. Pictures went well and finished just as some of the early guests were arriving. Everything seemed to be going well.

Just before the ceremony, Colten fell asleep and we left him napping in an adjacent room. My job was to cue the wedding party to go down the aisle, secure the aisle runner just before the flower girl and ring bearer (only one since Colten fell asleep) and then fluff Stacey’s dress and open the doors for her grand entrance. And, of course, watch the sleeping baby. I got to see part of the ceremony in between checking on Colten and I was brought to tears when the Pastor read the words that Stacey and Rob had given to him regarding ‘why I love _____’. The sentiments were not flowery, but true and honest and heartfelt and lovely. It was a such a beautiful ceremony with many references to how God has created that union and what the responsibilities are for each. The Pastor explained it so beautifully. It was not like the usual formalities. I can’t put into words the feeling, but I could truly feel the presence of God in the church. I’m so glad that Stacey is married into a Christian family. It just makes my heart sing.

Colten woke up at the end of the ceremony and was in time for more pictures. His eyes were huge wondering where all those people had come from! We took pics at the church while the guests drove into town to the reception at the Holiday Inn.

The reception was fun and we had good food and yummy cake and punch. There was a dance floor and after Rob and Stacey’s first dance, they had the wedding party come to the dance floor, but they weren’t too mobile. Except for the 5, 7, and 9 year old ring bearer and ushers. They had a blast break dancing (or their versions of it) and sliding around on the slick floor. They were so fun to watch.

At the time for Rob and Stacey to give each other a bite of cake, they of course tried to cram it into each other’s face, being the crazy couple that they are. Stacey ended up falling on the floor. It sounds like a bad moment, but it was so them!

The photographer did a good job of taking pictures around the room. There was lots of visiting and happy times. The DJ did a good job and kept the fun going. Rob and Stacey had the Honeymoon Suite for the night and left us to finish celebrating. They took one of the small layers of wedding cake to the room and chowed down.

We got the grandkids home and relaxed. It was nice to have all the hard work done and it was all worth it. I was in the thick of the wedding duties, but it still didn’t connect in my brain that Stacey was MARRIED. I’ll have to get used to that! Ha

Sandy (mother of the bride) looked beautiful in her dress. Terry, of course looked good in his tux (doesn’t every man?). The little boys wore vests and ties and looked adorable, especially 2 year old Colten. It was a lot of fun. I’m so happy for Rob and Stacey and the beginning of their family. What a lovely time!

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