Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I woke up really early this morning and got my shower and dressed and was ready to face the day. Then I started feeling yucky about 7:30am and decided to lay back down for a little bit. I took a 30 minute nap and felt a little better. I loaded up on vitamins and as the day progressed, I got better. Don’t know what was the matter. Oh well…

Mary, Sherry and I went to the grocery store this morning. It was nice to get out. I picked up my usual weekly fare: milk, cereal, tortillas, soup and I got some lotion and sweet relish for change of pace. Haha. Lydia fixes a good lunch Mon-Fri and there are usually leftovers, so I don’t have to cook much at all for dinner.

Mayela and I worked on getting stuff ready for the sewing class for ROSCC ladies today. While pulling things together, we practiced my Spanish and her English. It was a great time together and very helpful. We laughed a lot, too. I really like her and I think we’ll be great friends, as well as co-workers.

There were 6 ladies who came to the sewing class. It was really good. They are doing so well. It was the 2nd class and they do not know how to sew. They are moving along very well. Of course, we have prayer before each class starts. We pray for clear minds and understanding. The ladies joke that they want to become professionals. I think they just might! We worked on hand sewing little drawstring bags today. They took some fabric and cord with them to make more at home. They call it homework, and had brought the Kleenex covers that they did for homework this past week. They did good jobs.

Manuel had school this afternoon and since he did really well, he got to ride home in Jorge’s taxi. He thinks he’s big stuff. He looks pretty handsome in his school uniform.

Things are hopping around here. Faster than we can keep up with sometimes! Pastor Marvin said that he was giving a large donation of fabric for the sewing classes. I can’t wait to see what it is like! I’m excited! Sherry is getting the guys to divide off part of the conference room to make a sewing room for our tables, machines and supplies! That will be cool!

Pacheco called me today to see when I would be coming back to help in English class. VOH has me pretty busy now, with going to the Feeding Centers 5 mornings a week and then teaching classes 3 afternoons a week. Our weekends have been pretty busy with road trips, too. I do miss going to help in English class. I hope God can get my schedule slowed down enough to do so.

Tomorrow, Mayela and I will be going to the Noah’s Ark Feeding Center to take pictures and get info on the kids there so that we can get sponsorships for the kids. It will be hot and crazy, but it will be fun, too. This is our 4th Feeding Center to be a part of. #5 should open up in a week or 2. Lots of kids being fed and many, many more to be fed when we can open more Feeding Centers. God is providing!

Tomorrow afternoon is the Women’s Bible study for ROSCC church. I should have their Bibles soon. They will be so excited!

Well, time to get off of here and get more work done before bedtime. Time flies by so fast!

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