Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I took off for my walk this morning without my water bottle. But I stopped at the bus stop market and grabbed a new one. It sure tasted good! I walked to Pacheco’s school again and dropped off a couple more videos. Then I got some money changed and headed back to the Mission House. I stopped in Bazar Jerry and bought some thread for the sewing class. I love my morning walks, even if they are hot and sweaty and dusty.

I got a shower and had some cereal for breakfast. I worked on my Bible study and had quiet time in my room with the door and window open (that’s the whole front of my room and the only portals). It was nice.

German got here and I got to chat with him for a little bit. I never get much chance to talk with him since he’s so busy. I really want to visit his family one of these days… Anyway, he called Pastor Marvin to confirm the sewing class and it has to be postponed until next week. So I got a lot of stuff ready for it and can relax until then.

After lunch, I worked on Women’s Bible study stuff and printed off some pictures of the women from the ROSCC church group. Lesly tweaked the Spanish notes for the Bible study tomorrow. I’m ready to print them off for class.

Manuel saw me printing pictures and decided he needed the pictures of him in his school uniform printed off, too. I gave him one print of each. He said he’ll need more tomorrow. I don’t know what he thinks he is going to do with them…

Lelsy and I ran downtown on la ruta (the city bus aka a little truck with bars and a tarp). We ran into Josselin on the way. What a nice surprise. Lesly and I went to 4 stores and finally found a tower fan that I was looking for. It’s not as forceful as the floor fans, but it doesn’t blow my papers away when I’m in my rocker studying and I don’t trip over the criss-cross feet of the other fans. I’m happy with it.

Manuel was playing pretend games with Mary. He was the dad and she was the daughter. I ended up being the wife. He was taking us all to Disneyland until the daughter got into trouble. Ooops. Time out!

Earlier today, when Lesly and I were getting ready to leave for town, she had Jorge’s keys to the taxi. She said that I was going to drive it. Everyone got a big laugh out of that, since they are still teasing me about backing into the tree. I told Jorge that while he is teaching Manuel in the afternoon, I could drive his taxi and make some money for him. He said only in a desert where there are no trees. Hahaha

I got a call the chance to talk to Deanna’s son Bryon about her tests and diagnosis. I guess she didn’t do well on the stress test and her bloodpressure dropped dangerously low and she passed out. They are talking about doing some kind of procedure soon. I am praying that all goes well and she is feeling better than ever really soon! I hate being down here when this is going on, but I know that she is in good hands with God. It’s hard to get the news down here, so I keep calling up there. I miss her and I know that Jet does, too. Poor guy doesn’t know where his mama is. I’m sure Deanna wants to get back home soon. I’m sending her lots of cyber hugs.

Tomorrow is Women’s Bible study at ROSCC church. Can’t wait to see the ladies! I think there will be more in attendance tomorrow, so I’ll take my camera to get more pics. They are a sweet bunch of women!

I talked Mary’s head off tonight. I think she was glad to go to her room. Haha.

Time for my video and early to bed! God is so good to me!

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