Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ok, so I had a very easy day today and I’m still very tired tonight. I think it’s the heat. But it makes me feel like I’m lazy!

I slept well last night and woke up early. Bible study and quiet time, then breakfast and shower. About the time I’m ready to get on the computer for a few hours of work, the electricity goes out. Okie dokie.

I worked on the Women’s Bible study for a couple of hours and am very much ahead of schedule for that. I kept thinking that I would do some stuff in my room, but it was way too hot and sticky without the fans blowing. So I sat under the rancho and talked with Mary about upcoming sewing classes and such.

Since we have a propane powered stove, we still had a great lunch of taco salad. There was a couple of meetings here off and on during the day. Mike and German were in and out doing business.

Manuel wanted to hunt Easter eggs again, so I grabbed a bag and set out to hide them. I didn’t realize that there were 42 eggs until we started looking for the ones that Manuel missed picking up. We had 20. After confirming the number of missing ones by looking at the package, we set out to find the rest. Mary said I am a good egg hider, but I really didn’t try to make it too difficult. We only looked once and after we found all 42, Mary and I gave up. Manuel filled the eggs with candy and hid them again. It was too hot to be out there looking for them, so Mary and I wimped out. Manuel got Alberto to look for them. It was funny to see Alberto walking around the property with a bag picking up eggs.

Manuel was later playing with a soccer ball and tripped over it. He ended up landing on it on his stomach. He was crying and we went to see what was wrong. He was holding his stomach and said he broke his knuckle. I assured him that his knuckle is not in his stomach. He said it was a broken bone. I told him the only thing I felt in that spot was the taco salad he had for lunch. He got over it pretty quick.

Manuel had school for a couple of hours and did really well. He got a ‘very good boy’ sticker today. He always looks so good in his school uniform. He put it on himself today and it only took about 45 minutes! ☺

Mayela is now working for us full time. She will work with me to oversee 6 Feeding Centers and also translate Bible Study and Sewing Classes for me and Mary. She will be a very busy girl! It’s good to have her come on board with us! She is so excited to learn how to sew and do crafts. We will have a great time together.

Mary got a new air conditioner. It’s a floor type, but Saturnino built a shelf to put it up towards the ceiling. It will vent out of the old wall unit hole. I know she will really enjoy it tonight! I’m glad for her to get a good air conditioner.

Tomorrow we will have a meeting in the morning about Feeding Centers and then Mary, Lesly and I will go to town to pick up a few items and to get my hair cut. Mary is going to check out the haircutting place and see if she wants to go back and get hers cut, too.

Then Mary has Sewing class for the ladies of La Quimera in the afternoon. I may head to Pacheco’s school to help with English, or I may do some sewing myself.

There are some patterns for aprons and bags that I want to try out. Now that my room is about 90% organized, I feel free to have fun sewing a little.

I really need to get out my newsletter. That is a priority for the week. It’s going to be a busy week, but I’ll make it happen. I owe my supporters and prayer partners regular updates.

It seems like I’ve been here more than 4 weeks. There’s so many wonderful things going on. God is blessing the ministry big time with opportunities to serve. We are doing our best to keep up and be obedient. It’s crazy, but so much fun!

I have been praying for some friends who are going through some tough health problems lately. I wish I could be there to give them hugs. I know God will hug them for me.

Time to settle in for the night so I’ll have the energy to get a lot done tomorrow.

So blessed to live this life!!

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