Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Got up early this morning and prepared for the day. Meeting with a Pastor in Guatalupe to coordinate adding their feeding center to our organization. That makes 4 and a 5th will start in a week or two. I’ll be working with Mayela to oversee the process of the first 6 Feeding Centers we get going. Mary and a to-be-determined person will oversee the next 6. So exciting to see so many kids being fed! God is really blessing His work here!

After our meeting, Mike and German met with Brian, who will be the new Pastor at La Quimera church. Yay! He was so excited to know that we already have a Sunday School going on, as well as my Bible Study, Mary’s Evangelism class and Mary’s sewing class already going on. He has been associated with VOH before and God sent him to us right when we were looking for the right person to take over the Pastorate at LQ. God’s man in God’s time! Sunday night will be his first service and we’re excited to get to be there!

Mid-morning, Mary, Lesly, Mayela and I went to town. I drove the SUV. No incidents! We went to get my haircut first. The lady trimmed it, thinned it, which made me happy. Then when she got out her straight razor I knew I was in the right place. She cut it just like I wanted. I’m soooo happy! Also, it only cost 70 córdabas, but I gave her 80. That’s still under $3.50 US money for a haircut! I’m very happy!!

After the haircut, we went to a few stores looking for some items that Mike gave us a list to pick up. I also got a cushy ‘sleeve’ to put my computer in to keep the dust out and to protect it when it’s not in my laptop bag. I am very happy with it.

We headed back to the Mission House just in time to hand the car over to Mike and German, who had errands to run. We had chicken stir-fry for lunch and then Lesly and I headed back out via taxi for more errands.

The roads were interesting today because ‘la ruta’, the little trucks with tarps and benches in the back that are used for city buses are on strike today. It’s because people were boycotting them last week due to a rate hike. It did make the driving easier for me today, though! The taxi drivers loved it, too, since they got more business.

Lesly and I trooped along and got the items on our list and were trudging down the streets carrying four 6’ roller shades plus a tall laundry basket with all our other purchases. It was extremely hot and we were having trouble getting a taxi, since they were in such high demand. Lesly suggested that we go to get some ice cream while we waited for a friend who drives a taxi to come and get us. What a great idea! Edwin picked us up and we stuck everything in the little taxi, which the roller shades sticking out the window and drove home. I was very tired and sweaty, but we had a good, productive day.

Manuel stayed for dinner with Mary and I tonight so that Mike and Sherry could have a little time to their selves. I swam with Manuel for a little bit while Mary soaked her feet in the pool. Then we ate leftovers and such and then Manuel serenaded us. Pretty soon we got a call from Sherry that the taxi was on its way to pick up Manuel. He feels like big stuff getting to ride all by himself, but the driver is our friend Jorge, so it’s totally safe.

Mike and Sherry asked me to set up a facebook page for Manuel today because he is always getting on their pages and sending messages to people. It can be embarrassing sometimes, since the messages look like they are coming from them. Haha Manuel is very happy with his own page. But he thinks that people should be on the computer and writing to him all the time. He also would like a skype account, but that’s not going to happen any time soon!

Mary said that the sewing class went very well. We’re excited to see the LQ women again! I love all the relationships we get to have with all the ladies down here!

This evening I called my friend Carol in NYC. She has some major health issues right now and we keep missing each other on facebook, so I decided to call her. She was so thrilled that I would call from Nica. It was nice to hear her voice.

Well, time for me to watch my video and then hit the bed. I’m good and tired and very happy. I’m so thankful for God’s provision for me. I love the life He lets me live.

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