Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sunday, Oct 30, 2011 NICARAGUA

Just got off the phone from talking to Mary in AR. She is due here on Wednesday night. She’s chomping at the bit to get here. Those last days before leaving the states are antsy. You just want to get down here. I think she will really like being here better than the other place. It’s so much calmer here. I love it because it’s my home more than the states now.

We had a great service at Rose of Sharon CC church this morning. I love listening to Pastor Marvin preach. He speaks so clearly. I can tell I’m getting better with understanding more Spanish words and I’m not having to rely on just getting the context of the sentences only. Every week is a little better. I can’t wait to get to where I can understand every word! Woohoo!

I had to stand outside to get a good connection on the phone. Some times I can get a call inside my room and sometimes you practically have to stand on the roof. But it’s nice to have phone service regardless.

After church this morning, we came back to the Mission House and had a very yummy lunch that Sherry had put in the oven before we left for church. Roasted chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions and tortillas. It was very good. We all enjoyed the feast.

Joanna didn’t know they were coming over for lunch right from church, so she had not packed swimming clothes for the kids. We found some shorts for Ishmael to swim in and a little 2 piece bathing suit for Mariangel. At first she wanted to wear a t-shirt and not the bikini top (she’s 9, I think). Then we showed her that Sherry wears a bikini, too, so she relented and looked so cute.

Sherry was teaching her how to swim. Mariangel said it was easier to learn from Sherry than from her dad. While they were in the pool, Mike and German were at the van tinkering under the hood. Manuel was going to play with Ishmael like he did the little boy yesterday and throw him into the water. He didn’t know that Ishmael didn’t know how to swim. Joanna is afraid of water and I was standing by her watching the swimmers. By the time we noticed that Ishmael was in the water, Joanna was yelling for German to come. I was surprised and much to my shame I just stood there. I can’t believe I didn’t jump into the water. I guess I was thinking since Sherry was in there it was okay. Sherry was near the other end with Mariangel on a raft. By the time she got to him German had jumped into the pool and grabbed him. It surprised Ishmael so much that he didn’t breath in any water. He wasn’t too upset. Mostly just surprised. Joanna was so scared! Manuel thought he was in trouble, but we explained that we knew that he didn’t mean any harm. It was tense for a little while, but Ishmael was playing around with the drum set and being his cut little self and Mariangel went back to swim lessons with Sherry. German’s 2 cell phones (one for each cell company here) were drowned. His wallet was all wet, too. We tried to lay everything out to dry. German doesn’t have back up for his hundreds of phone numbers of Pastors and various other important people. He said he is just not organized. I told him that I would help him make a book for those numbers when he gets them again. You never know when your phone will get broken, stolen or drowned. It’s better to be prepared. After all is said and done, I think Ishmael is fine and happy and the saddest part of the mishap is the loss of phone numbers.

I spent a couple of hours working on Spanish verbs and vocabulary. I set up the printer we brought down and printed off some lists and charts that I had been making. I had been putting off setting up the printer because I just don’t like messing with that kind of stuff. It was very easy, though and now I’m ready to rumble! Since I don’t need the printer all the time, and have limited desk/table space to share with the sewing machine when needed, I keep the printer on the big shelf that Saturnino built for me. To keep the dust and dirt off of it, I sewed up a little cover for it. Everything has its place in my room, and some things have their own covers. How special is that? Haha

I need to get ready for bed and to do some Bible study. My brain is fried as far as Spanish is concerned for today. I’m looking forward to lots of work on verbs this week in class. I need to spend my time wisely so that I can get both Bible studies read and notes taken and also get my Spanish homework done and words memorized. I haven’t even started sewing the new bags yet. I need to slow down a little and get rest as well as take some pressure off of myself to get things done all at the same time. I need to chill out like a true Nicaraguan.

Tomorrow is the end of October already. Time is flying by so fast. I love every day. I’m very blessed.

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