Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 NICARAGUA

A good day. I woke up feeling a little sick, like I was getting a sinus infection. I was feeling feverish (but who can tell in this heat) and a little weak. I decided to take a taxi to class today. I had some antibiotics that I had brought with me, so I started on them this morning. I got showered and dressed and had some cereal for breakfast and then left out for class. I arrived before 9am, so I reviewed stuff until Juan got there.

We had a good class today. Discussing lots of things in Spanish and then working on some idioms. Juan said that we would concentrate on the 400 verbs I’m learning this week as well as the 12 verb tenses that we have discussed over the last 2 weeks. I think that’s plenty for now. All the other stuff we have studied is pretty much in my brain. The verbs and verb tenses take more concentration and study. I’m glad we are going to work on them for a few days.

I got home (by taxi) for lunch. The taxi driver was helping me pronounce some Spanish words. He was trying to teach me to roll my rrrrr’s. I just can’t do it. I thought it was nice of him to try to help me. He was listening to a sermon on his cd player in the taxi. It’s nice to run into Christian people.

When I got home shortly after class, Leslie knew I hadn’t walked. She asked why and told me that she is feeling yucky, too, and had started some meds herself. Jaasiel has been on meds for bronchitis this past week. Maybe it’s something going around. Anyway, I’m hoping to feel ship-shape by week’s end.

The cook had not come this morning, so Sherry started lunch. Claudia got here a little before time to eat and said that she had had to take her mother to the hospital this morning. She finished cooking and we all had a great meal of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, quacamole, tortillas. Yummy. I went to my room to lay down for awhile and try to get rid of the sinus headache. I slept for about an hour. Mary red a book while Sherry and Manuel played in pool. Mike worked on his computer. Jaasiel came to have class time with Manuel this afternoon. He is doing well considering his challenges. He has been reading to me and wanting to do some math questions and stuff. I know that Jaasiel is making a difference with him.

I found out that we are just going to Las Quimeras earlier tomorrow instead of going out there today to talk with Pastor Sergio about which women to start working with on teaching sewing. I was glad that we were staying put for the afternoon.

Also, we are going to the Oriental Market in Managua on Saturday, instead of Thursday. I called Juan and told him that I wouldn’t have to miss Thursday’s class after all. He said to come on in early tomorrow (to finish making up 1 extra day) and come on Thursday. That way I will be ahead by 1 day in case something else comes up and I have to miss a day. Good thinking, because I think we’re going to Masaya one day next week.

Mike and German went to a used furniture/appliance store. They found a second refrigerator for the team house and some wooden tables. Also, a coffeemaker for Mary. Jaasiel said that she knows where that store is and maybe Mary and I can go check it out sometime.

Part of the tables were delivered this evening. They came by bicycle-taxi. It was funny to see them tied into and onto the contraptions. Alberto came to my room to see if I had 300 córdabas to pay the delivery guys. He couldn’t get a hold of German by phone. Luckily, I had exchanged some money this morning at the corner before class. The rest of the stuff is supposed to come tomorrow. I picked out which table I want in my room. I told Mike I would pay for it myself, to help the ministry out. They have to be treated for termites and then stained and then I can put it in my room. Yay!

I skipped my dip in the pool tonight, even though I was home since I didn’t go to the English class this afternoon. I want to get as much rest as I can to get over this head thing going on.

Mary used the sewing machine for a few minutes this evening and I took up a few skirts that were getting too big. Then I put all that away, ate some left overs, showered and settled down to study my verbs and verb tenses. I talk to myself a lot when memorizing things. People would find me rather funny if they could see inside my little room. ☺

I’m going to post this and then go to bed early tonight. Looking forward to a good night’s sleep and then an early morning, long Spanish class and then Women’s Bible study at Las Quimeras tomorrow. Going to need some good rest.

I’m thankful for all that God brings my way. So many little things during the day. He is so faithful. And I am so blessed.

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