Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011 NICARAGUA

Another great day.
I was wide awake for a few hours last night and ended up falling back asleep and waking up at 9:03am! I haven’t slept that late since I’ve been here in Nica! I jumped up and grabbed my shower and dressed, ate some cereal and headed out the door to Spanish class. I was just a couple of minutes late, but still beat Juan there. I had time to review some stuff before we got started.

On my way walking there, I ran into Claudia (our new cook) and Jassiel (one of our translators and current part time teacher for Manuel) as they got off the bus at the end of our street. It was so nice to see them.

I checked facebook and emails on my phone this morning and saw that a very generous supporter of VOH had donated $250 for Bibles for the Women’s classes. How wonderful! I need to buy a lot of them and he is going to bless many women with his wonderful donation. I’m so thankful!

I also saw the Hulsey’s driving in the van to the Mission House while I was on my way to class. Sherry noticed that I was late. ☺

After class, I walked home and had some delicious shrimp for lunch. Alberto’s family live in Chinandega, which is about an hour or so north of here. They had lots of fresh seafood there. His cousin brought us some very fresh shrimp for an unbelievable price. We ended up getting about 8 pounds or so for only around $3 something a pound. Woohoo! Claudia had made the shrimp 2 ways. We had fried shrimp (of which I tried one just to see how yummy it was) and some boiled shrimp in a fantastic white sauce. Rice, plantains and a tortilla rounded out our meal. Soooo good!

After lunch, I played with Manuel for a little bit and we watched Saturnino climb up the palm trees to knock down the cocoanuts so they won’t fall on anyone’s heads. Juvel was trying to tell me to have Manuel stay back so he wouldn’t get hurt, but I couldn’t understand what he wanted. I thought he was asking if they could have the cocoanuts. So funny! Anyway, Saturnino is like a monkey climbing those trees. So fun to watch.

Sherry and Manuel were heading to their house about 4pm, so I caught a ride in the taxi with them. They dropped me off at the English class. I was the first one there as usual. It was a lot of fun today. Jonathan and Salvador took turns translating the lessons that I use for the Women’s Bible study. Juan likes for me to use Christian material when I work with them. So glad to share Jesus in every circumstance!! We had a great time and Juan videoed us and then he took his turn translating and they videoed him. I talked faster and used longer sentences with him, since he’s a seasoned pro. They guys enjoyed listening and trying to keep up and figure out ahead of him what to say. I always enjoy my time with those guys. I’m so proud of them and the progress they are making. It blows my mind. They are through with their college studies, so English class is their priority and they are drinking in all they can get of English. It’s fun to see their progress.

The guys helped me catch a taxi for home and I told the driver Hotel Berlín, which is the name of the place that we are renting as our Mission House. He already had a fare in the back, so he dropped him off first. After that guy got out, he looked at me and asked which street and why wasn’t I getting out. I said Hotel Berlín again, and he reacted as if a light came on in his brain. Turns out that the neighborhood that we were dropping the other guy off at is called Berlín. LOL. The driver said he understood now and knew where the place is. He got me home safe and sound. I always call Alberto when I’m getting close, so he can meet me at the door. He watches over me very well.

After a quick pb&j sandwich and some pudding I settled in to review some Spanish notes. I typed up some charts and lists and printed them off for tomorrow’s class. I didn’t intend on spending so much time on it, but before I knew it, German was pulling into the property with Mary from the airport. I gave her a quick tour, got her some cups and showed her where the water dispenser is. I introduced her to Alberto and made sure that he would have coffee ready in the morning. Mary used to always make the coffee at the old place. She will have to get used to people doing things for her here. I think she’ll like it.

Mary and I talked a little bit and got her settled in for the night. I’m wide awake and hyper from yakking. I need to go to bed and sleep well so that I’m prepared for class tomorrow and also, so I’ll wake up on time. Can’t believe I slept so late today.

I don’t usually have class on Fridays, but because of the chaos that follows elections, most of the businesses and stuff shut down on Monday. Juan moved all his Monday classes to tomorrow. It will make a very full week for my brain, but next week will be like having a holiday! I plan to sew!!!

Going to bed now and thanking God for the opportunity to live and serve here. I’m very happy and blessed.

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