Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, Nov 1, 2011 NICARAGUA

The first day of November already! Whew!

It was another great day. I slept very fitfully again last night. I guess I have too much on my mind. Anyway, I woke up at 7am and did some Bible study, had cereal and then got ready for Spanish class. I left early so that I could stop by the Bazar Jerry store to get some cording to make some drawstring bags. I also stopped at the bookstore to pick up notebooks and pens for the extra ladies at Las Quimeras Bible study. And I bought a stapler, which excited me so much that I forgot to buy staplers! Ha

I made it to class a little early and enjoyed the quiet time in the empty classroom with the fan blowing on only me and reviewing my verb tense chart. Juan was late, but it gave me a good chance for review. We had an awesome class. Learning all these tenses at once is killing me and I find it hard to keep them separated in my mind. But I know when it all clicks, it’s going to be awesome! I really appreciate Juan’s teaching ability. And I LOVE his smile when I get a really hard question correct.

I walked home for lunch and it was so good. Chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies and tortilla. I’m loving have Claudia our new cook here everyday for lunch! I played with Manuel for a little while and then they headed home about 2pm. It is Sherry’s birthday today and she was going home for a birthday nap.

I threw a load of towels in the wash with some sheets for Mary’s room. She has a new bed and mattress. She will love it.

I started sewing the 6 Bible bags that I need to take to Las Quimeras church tomorrow. I need to buy 4 more Bibles, but I don’t have the money yet. I do have the notebooks and pens and will have the bags ready. Maybe God will provide a surprise deposit in the VOH account for some Bibles. We’ll see.

I sewed until I ran out of the color of thread I was using. I thought I had another spool, but it was a different shade of blue. I will have to stop at Bazar Jerry tomorrow for another spool of thread. Then hurry home after Spanish class to finish sewing.

At 6:20pm I put the sewing machine away and heated up some left over chicken and potatoes and veggies for dinner. I put some cream of mushroom soup on top and it was so good.

Mike had left me the internet cord this afternoon, so I immediately got on the computer. I need to post my blogs from the last couple of days and send some emails. I should be reviewing Spanish, but I have to take advantage of having the internet connection when I can get it! Mike said they are looking into getting internet permanently here at the Mission House. I told him I would pay half. It would be awesome to have access all the time!

I sewed up a couple of aprons from old sheets for the cook. I need to make some more and decorate them up a little. But the Bible bags are taking all my sewing time for now. One of these days…

Mary will get here late tomorrow evening. I won’t really get a chance to talk to her much until after class on Thursday. She’ll be busy getting her room all set up and visiting with the Hulsey’s, too. Friday morning I don’t have class, so I can have a relaxing morning and we can chat.

I’m getting tired and I really do need to review my Spanish homework for tomorrow morning, so I’ll sign off for now, have some chocolate pudding and snuggle up with my Spanish notes.

I’m thankful for all that God has allowed into my life. I’m so blessed.

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