Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 NICARAGUA

Had a great morning! Woke up early and took my bloodpressure medicine so that I could walk later in the morning without getting a bad sunburn (a side effect of the meds). I did my Bible study in the conference room where we have drinks set up for the team to buy (since we don’t stop at the convenience store anymore). This way they can find me as they are finishing breakfast and getting packed up for the Fiestas that morning. We had yummy scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and oatmeal today. I really enjoyed it.

After the team left, I went for a good long walk to downtown. I don’t know for sure how far it is, but I think I ended up walking about 5-6 miles all together. It felt sooo good. I didn’t take my little backpack, but just put my 2 phones and some Nica money in my pockets. I carried my water bottle and wore a baseball cap.

As I was walking past Texaco, I noticed German on the his motorcycle talking on the phone. I waved hello and kept going. By the time I got to Pacheco’s school, German pulled up on the motorcycle and said that I sure walk fast. I told him it was an exercise walk. He asked where I was going and I told him downtown. He asked if I wanted a ride and I said no that I wanted to walk. He said REALLY??? And I said again that it was for exercise. Haha

He left and I saw Pacheco coming out of his school heading for a taxi. We spoke for just a couple of minutes. I got to practice my verb tenses on him. That made him smile. I miss having Spanish class this week. Hope I don’t forget anything.

My first stop was Plaza del Carmen, where I love to look at pretty stuff and buy sandals. I got a neat pair today that looked like they had every decoration available all put on one pair of sandals. (I later removed some of the special effects and now they are more subdued. They are very comfortable, which is why I bought them. You can get sandals here for $5-6 US. Not bad.

I went to the fabric store where I have started a little friendship with a guy who works there. Through our business dealings, he has told me that he wants to learn English. I had told him I would bring him a flyer from Pacheco’s school and I kept forgetting to put it in my bag. So today I had one in my pocket. I found him and gave him the flyer and he was very thankful. I hope he takes advantage of the special free first level. I think he would be a very good student.

I then stopped at another fabric store and found some very cheap cotton to make the linings, pockets and straps for the Bible bags. I walked over to La Unión and went to the sewing notions/crafts store there and got spools of white thread and some pins for the ladies in Sewing class. Then I walked back to the Mission House. It was a good long and hot walk, but I did like the Nicaraguans and kept to the shade where possible.

I really enjoyed my walk and hope to get to do it lots more.

I got back to the Mission House and consolidated some of the team stuff so that the conference room would be ready to have the Sewing class in it later in the afternoon. I helped with things around the place a little bit and then got my shower. Just as I was getting dressed, the team got back from the 2 Fiestas. We had a wonderful lunch of canalones, my favorite! I got to do some laundry for a couple of people for the team and then started getting stuff ready for the Sewing class.

The class was very good. The ladies learned about cutting out simple patterns, pinning the pattern pieces on the fabric, cutting the pieces out, putting the pieces together and pinning them and then hand sewing the pieces together. They were making the little Kleenex holders that I’ve been making out of my scraps of fabric left from other projects. They did really well. Mary had them laughing a lot. Leslie is a great translator and she is learning to sew right a long with the ladies.

Due to the bus schedule, we’ve decided to change the time of the class to 2-4pm instead of 3-5pm. This suits Mary and I well, too. The ladies left for the bus to Las Quimeras and Mary and I returned to chatting with the team.

We had hamburgers and frozen French fries for dinner. Since I can’t eat the fries, I opted for eating some leftovers that Sherry let me have for my fridge. I had cold meatloaf (a favorite) and some potato salad. It was good.

I started feeling really tired so I sat in my rocker for about 20 minutes before getting ready for church. My back is hurting a little bit tonight. I think it’s from all the bending over to cut out sewing projects and then sitting at the sewing machine so much. I also was bending and lifting in unusual ways when organizing all the stuff in the conference room earlier. I’m getting way too out of shape. Need to exercise more!

This afternoon, Breken (on of the guys on the team, who happens to be an assistant manager at a gym in the states) went with Chico (translator) and another guy on the team to the gym not far into town. It’s a little place, dirt floor, with exercise equipment setting around. They worked out a little bit and witnessed to some guys there. 2 of the guys were Christians, 2 accept Christ and 1 guy wasn’t ready to make a decision yet. Then they walked down to Texaco and talked to some more people. 1 person accepted Christ there. They had a good afternoon. I sent my camera with them and they got some good pictures for me.

Tonight the team split into 2 groups and went to churches. I went with the group to Oscar’s church. It was my second time there. The Pastor’s wife recognized me and that it was my second time. I really like that church. It’s very peaceful, even though the worship is loud and strong. You can feel the Holy Spirit there. TL gave his testimony and it was very moving. Breck preached because his son had misplaced his notes for tonight. It was a very good service. At the end many of the congregation came forward to be prayed over by us. They the entire church circled us to pray for us. The Pastor kept saying to squeeze into a tighter circle. Just another example of how there is no personal space in Nica! It was lovely, though, and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

We got back to the Mission House and got settled in. The team surrounded Mary and prayed for her and her family, especially her great-grand daughter, Bristol, who is in Children’s Hospital in Little Rock AR, because she kept having trouble breathing (a problem she has had since being a preemie). She had stopped breathing on the way to the hospital. Very scary for a 3 month old! Mary gave her daughter my US cell number and my email address, since I can be reached immediately on both. Our internet is down here at the house, so my phone is a great blessing. I told Mary that I would leave it on loud ring and let her know if there was any word. She said she hopes not to see me tonight. Me, too. I pray that the Doctor’s figure out what is going on in Bristol’s little body and can fix it. That is, if God doesn’t heal her first.

I’m very tired and going to sleep now. It’s been a very good day and I’m thankful for so many things. God is good. And I am blessed.

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