Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 NICARAGUA

Just realized that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. How funny to not be thinking about it. I was aware that it is ‘this week’ and ‘this Thursday’, but it still didn’t connect in my head. I like the Thanksgiving holiday, but I also am glad to be away from all the stress of people trying to make it a ‘perfect’ holiday.

This morning I went for a walk with Steve, the visiting Pastor here to do a conference. We walked down to Todopoderoso church and back. Probably 4 miles. We stopped in at the ‘gym’, a House of the Bible book store and a health food kind of store on the way. We enjoyed it.

I did a little bit of work getting things in order and then got my much needed shower. The team got back when I was finishing up and we all had a good lunch of simmered beef steak with onions and tomatoes, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies and beans. Very yummy! As all the meals are!

We had some down time and some of the team napped and some swam in the pool and some sat around and talked. Charlie (the team leader) was asking me for a list of items that they can get for us and send down. So I talked with him a little bit about that list.

Mary, Leslie and I left for the Women’s Bible Study in Las Quimeras and we had a very good class today. We finished up the study on Eve today and then Mary talked to them about Evangelizing and their favorite verses and such. We had some new women come starting today. It’s good to see the ministry grow in that community.

When we finished the Bible study, we thought that Danilo was just going to pick us up after he dropped part of the team off at the church in Malpaisillo and then take us to the church to meet up with the group. Instead, we got out to the van and there were all but one of the translators and German. There wasn’t room in the other van for everyone and there wasn’t enough time for Danilo to make multiple runs, so they came to get us and the service was almost half over already and the ride there is 30 minutes. So German made the decision for us to just go to the Mission House and call it a night. The funny thing is that all the translators, except Jeremy were missing from church. It’s only funny to us, I guess…

We got home and had some tacos. These are giant taquitos with a chicken filling. I can’t have the fried food, so Claudia and Lydia gave me some before frying. Since the meat filling is already cooked, it’s like having a chicken salad wrap. Yummy! We also had beans, rice and salad.

I was sitting outside under the rancho on my computer, but the mosquitoes were attacking me, so I’ve moved inside my room. They have gotten the internet back up, so I’m going to take advantage of some downloading time tonight! At least until the team gets back.

Danilo drove Leslie home (or at least partway) and then picked up Pacheco to come to translate for Steve tonight at Rose of Sharon CC church. It was good to see Juan. I really miss seeing him 4 times a week. I told him that I studied a little bit today. I really want to concentrate on all my Spanish so that we can charge ahead on Monday. Being out of class for 11 days is not good!

The team has had over 150 salvations this week so far. Tomorrow is VBS and a feeding at Las Quimeras church and then a worship service tomorrow night there. That will be the last ministry time for the team. Friday will be their fun day around here in León and at the beach in Poneloya.

I was thinking about one of the women at the Bible study today. She had a hurt big toe. Instead of a bandaid, she had wrapped her toe in a leaf and tied it with a string. How much we take for granted having bandaids!

I’ll go to bed tonight thinking about all the things that I’m thankful for. I try to do that as much as possible, but since tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the states, I’ll make a special effort to do so.

First of all, I’m thankful for my God and my Savior. I’m thankful for the life as a missionary. I’m thankful for Voice of Hope Minsitries and I’m thankful for the people of León Nicaragua that I have grown to love. That’s a pretty good start.

PS Another thing to be thankful for…
The team (Eastside Baptist Church from Paragould AR) just called me out to sit in on their share time and presented me with $640 to buy Bibles for the Women’s Bible Study at Rose of Sharon CC church! Praise God! All these women have been praying for God to send them Bibles and this wonderful group has answered that prayer! I’m so excited and THANKFUL!!! Woohoo! Now I’ll get busy making the Bible bags! These ladies will be sooo surprised! God, You are so good!

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