Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nicaragua July 10, 2010

Saturday, travel day.
Up early and enjoyed the feel of my comfy bed & ceiling fan.

Finished packing last minute stuff. Re-weighed my suitcases. The big ones came in at 49 pounds each. I took my 2 packages of individually wrapped prunes & dumped them in my backpack. I'm glad that I splurged for wrapped ones! My 2 suitcases, carry-on bag and backpack are bulging, but they are on the way to the airport!

The attendant at the Continental check-in desk remembered me from the spring break trip. We had a great conversation about the missions in Nic. Another check-in person said that I could bump up to first class on the flight to Managua for $69 and not have to pay the $30 charge for the 2nd bag. I opted to pay the $39 difference because it would insure that my bags would get priority treatment and I wouldn't have to worry about them getting lost since I had a lot of clothes and ministry supplies inside. Of course, a bigger, comfy seat, more leg room and a meal is nice too! I was praying over my bags on the way to the airport. God blessed me extra when He took care of the bag security. Isn't that just like Him?

When going through the security check, there were very few people. I noticed a couple of the TSA people pointing to me. They had me go through a pat-down process. Apparently, a roll of fat around your middle could be paraphernalia in hiding. The security lady was a plus size gal, too, and was very sweet about it. I told her that was the most attention my middle has received in a long time. I'm glad I could make her laugh. I've come to accept myself as I am, but it is a good incentive for some ab crunches!

I'm enjoying this quiet time at the airport. Good time to make last phone calls, journal, pray and study Spanish. I'm having an orange juice and counting my blessings.

I feel very peaceful about the trip. I had been a little anxious about being gone for 6 weeks and forgetting something that needed to be done here. But I think God reminded me of what I needed to attend to. He's ultimately the one in charge anyway, isn't He?

I know the weeks are going to fly by. Each one will be a little different than the next. I absolutely love meeting the different people that God has busy going about His Kingdom work. It's fun when our paths cross. It's like meeting long-lost cousins. You may have never met them before, but you have a bond in common. Being a part of God's huge family is so wonderful.

Time to go sit at my gate for awhile and listen for my plane to be called. This flight is to Houston, so it won't be long. Just enough time between bathroom breaks. HA

The flight was uneventful. I listed to the Spanish Bible on my iPod while reading in my bi-lingual Bible. Very productive.

The layover in Houston was nice. I met a traveler who works for the government. He was very secretive about his job, although, he's the one who brought it up. Interesting... I walked around a lot and people-watched. I had a good early dinner from a health food place and topped it off with some chocolate chip cookies. heehee
I called Deanna one last time. She said that our neighbor, Mundo, brought over some watches and had a special one picked out for me for my mission trips. How nice.

My flight to Managua was nice. I felt guilty sitting in first class. Especially when people from other mission groups were getting on. I felt the need to explain that I was in first class for the security of my bags, but thought it best to keep quiet. My seat mate was a standby passenger who works for the airline. We talked alot. Dinner was good. It was a pleasant flight.

We arrived a few minutes late in the rain. My bags were first off of the plane. yay! German picked me up at the door and we met the other team members at On the Run (a convenience store with hot food). I got to see Manuel, one of my favorite drivers from the March trip. The road to the team house is newly paved, but it was still a sickly drive for my travel weary stomach.

We arrived at the team house about 11:30pm. Everyone was asleep. I met Beth. My favorite bed was reserved for me. :) I slept pretty well. I'm so thankful to be here.

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