Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nicaragua July 23, 2010


My stomach is really bad. I was up and down all night. My throat is a little sore, too. It's making me feel a little depressed. I want to feel good and energetic and ready to serve. Please Lord, help me to feel better.

I slept until 8am (that's late for down here) and had pancakes for breakfast. Stomach is hanging in there.

We stripped our beds and started getting all the beds in the house ready for the next team. The girls will be moving into mine and Beth's room today. This will be so fun! Time to get to work!!

The girls got all moved in. We are all set to co-habitate. We all fit in pretty well together. It will be nice to have an all-missionary room. We will be sharing our bathroom with about 6 other women next week.

We got our showers and headed into León to finish shopping for the next team, who arrives tomorrow. The cook went with us. First stop - the creamery for some crema. Second stop - the bakery for pico bread (sweet bread for breakfast). Beth and the girls spied a corner shop with some dresses, so Mary and I went to the bakery while they picked out some dresses. Then I joined them in the dress shop. Bethany, Kaylie and Beth all found a dress. Third stop - a housewares store for some glass coffee cups. I picked up a little contraption to hang 'delicates' on to dry and a little fold up seat that I can use as a table beside my lawnchair back home. Fourth stop - La Unión for groceries. We spent just under $500 and filled 5 carts. Fifth stop - lunch at Callejon buffet. I was feeling yucky and looking forward to grilled chicken and steamed veggies. By the time I got through the line, all I got was some rice and a potato ball. I felt so crappy that I just cried. It was just one of those moments. The girls had leftover veggies and I ate them. That tasted pretty good. I took some ginger pills and drank a bottle of water. Sixth stop - Eskimo for ice cream. I had the ladies pick me up a little clown cup of chocolate ice cream. This is the only calcium I get down here and the chocolate will perk up my mood. Seventh stop - drop off the cook (Yasmina) at her house. Eighth stop - Texaco for bags of ice. Then HOME!

The girls went out on the beach for a little while after they had moved the plastic tables and chairs upstairs. It was funny watching them maneuver those up the curving stairs. I laid on the bed for awhile and then sat on the patio with Mary and Beth.

Later, Mary and I went on a long beach walk. We went down to the rocks and cross south of the house. Some fishermen were using string to fish in the waves. They let me take their pictures. We saw some young guys throwing each other in the waves and trying to build a human pyramid. They let me take their pics, too. Mary and I started walking up the beach to the inlet so we could see the sunset on the water. I loved looking at the different patterns on the sand. The waves are mighty and miraculous. The sun kept hiding behind the sun, but I got some good pics, especially one of the girls in the distance with the sunset. So beautiful. We were tired when we made it back to the house.

We sat and talked and then Kaylie did devotions for the day. She did a good job. All the girls have done great on the devotions.

I fixed grilled peanut butter sandwiches for me and Bethany and Kaylie. Kearsten fixed instant oatmeal. After dinner I retired to journal. Beth and Mary went to bed early. The girls are hanging out upstairs and finishing the laundry of towels.

My stomach is a little better. I called Deanna in the late afternoon and she was going to an ABF class party and was going to ask them all to pray for me. I'm so thankful.

Deanna is already missing me. I hope that the times goes by quickly for her. Jet is so hot that he just lays around all day.

Well, I had better go to bed and read. I need to get used to getting up early for the next weeks.

God is good.

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