Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nicaragua July 26, 2010


Woke up at 4:23am to plug in the coffee. Thank You Lord for waking me before the alarm. I hate alarms! Went ahead and got my shower and got dressed. There will be a lot of traffic through our bathroom this morning since no one could get showers last night.

Breakfast was yummy as usual. (although this team doesn't seem to appreciate the food like all the other teams do) I had some gallo pinto (beans and rice breakfast dish), pico bread and a little bit of fruit. My stomach is getting much better. I think that it's partly from eating the rice, but I will need to back off from that soon. I'm just not going to eat the eggs anymore. I'm not supposed to have many eggs anyway.

Kaylie was very sick at her stomach today. She stayed home and slept most of the day. She ate a 'taco' but immediately got sick. She has tried peanut butter and crackers, plain crackers and orange juice. Poor thing. I hope she feels better tomorrow.

I stayed at the house for the day to take care of Kaylie, do Beth's laundry and some team items. I studied some on the Forgotten God book, Spanish and read a few chapters of John while listening to it in Spanish.

I called Deanna to tell her that I am coming home early. I also called John Caubble, Glenda, Nana Ruth, Sandy, Mom and Jaime. I talked with John Speigle about not staying to work with them. He was gracious. I left a message for Brian D so he can get the wireless device that I need for my 'work' computer, which is getting sick and has lost wireless function. He'll have it for me by the time I get back to Rogers.

The team left this morning to do 3 Fiestas, a feeding at the dump, a radio spot, a leader conference and then stopped at La Unión for snacks. They didn't get back till 2:30 for lunch. The cook was wondering where they were because she tries to time the food so it will be fresh. No one let us know that they would be so late. But the food was still good.

With the exception of a few people who went to a special service tonight, everyone else had the evening free. Beth went to the service, Mike and Mary went to the airport to pick up Sherry.

I tried visiting with some of the ladies of the team this afternoon and evening. Some are very friendly and others treat us like the hired help who are crashing the master's party. Oh well, you meet all kinds on these teams. I'm enjoying the sweet ones.

The girls are really fitting in well with the Youth of the team and their leader. They are going to the conference with them tomorrow. Mo is good to include them in the group.

The translators asked about me today. I missed seeing them. I cherish each one. I hope I can get a pic of me with each one. What precious people!

Yasmina gave me her recipe for tacos today. So yummy! They are like giant taquitos with a great concoction of shredded chicken and some seasonings. Then you wrap them in a tortilla and fry them. I'm going to make them and bake them instead of frying. The mixture would be good on a tostada, too. I can't wait to make some!

It is so good to have Mike here. He really keeps the team moving and in line. I think the week will go much better with him here. I can't wait to see Sherry, too.

The team gathered to pray over the crusade and the opposition from Catholics and witchcraft. Rachel (the pastor's wife) invited us upstairs to pray with the team. I think some of the people felt we were intruding. It makes me just shake my head inside. But we were glad to pray for the team and the crusade and the people of Nicaragua.

There have been some storms this afternoon and evening. A lot of people were at the beach when it started lightning and thundering. Tonight it rained hard and the wind blew hard. So far we still have power. Thank You Lord.

Manuel hit a dog tonight and he was sad about it (unlike Danilo). We've hit 3 dogs in the last 2 weeks. They usually stay out the way.

I guess I should go to bed now. I have to get up and plug in the coffee pot & start my day in 6 hours. The shower in our room starts up at 4:30 and keeps going to be able to accommodate everyone.

Thank You Lord for letting me serve You another day.

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