Friday, August 13, 2010

Nicaragua August 3, 2010


Woke up at 4:11 again. hummm. I took the time to cut my hair a little bit. Keep in mind that I have no idea how to do this. I have some thinning scissors, so I just chop away without even looking at it in the mirror. I just want it to be thin and short and comfy! Carolyn will have to fix up the damage when I get back to Rogers. I ended up not getting the coffee plugged in until after Mary came downstairs. oops!

the team is loving the food. It's so nice to hear! It's so pleasant to have appreciative people around you.

On of the team members is sick today, so Beth stayed back with her. I helped run the 2 Fiestas and Mary headed up the street witnessing teams. Things went pretty well. The drivers went in one of the vans to grab some breakfast when we got to the first Fiesta and when we needed to move the vans, the drivers weren't there. So Eliazar and I carried the stuff to the right spot. The balloons had not been packed in the supplies, so Pastor Miguel came up with another game for the girls to do. It all works out.

We were supposed to go to El Zapote on the way home, but that got changed to later in the day, so we came home for tacos for lunch.

I laid down and dozed a little bit and then Beth and I took a walk along the beach. I picked up a few shells. I wasn't really wanting to bring a lot of shells home, but God makes such pretty little things, I couldn't resist some. It's so beautiful to see the difference in the sand and waves. Each wave makes a unique pattern in the sand as it drags the shell fragments back into the ocean. The waves are so beautiful and powerful.

I was a little disappointed to not get to go to El Zapote on the way to church tonight, but I'm going to stay at the house with Debra, who is sick, and Beth will video and the activities and Mary will take pics for me. Beth will do a better job of videoing than I would do anyway. It's all good.

After the team left I was planning on getting a shower and then doing a couple of loads of laundry and sorting/packing my suitcases and deciding what to leave here and what to take back to Rogers. I had the evening all planned out with productive things. I had just stepped into the shower when the power went out. It's been out now for a couple of hours. But it has started raining, so that has cooled down the air somewhat. Thank You Lord!

Debra is really puny from her stomach problems. She is mostly sleeping. I'm sitting in the doorway takingg advantage of the last of daylight. I'm trying to catch up on my joural as much as I can while I have the quiet time and a little light.

It's raining lightly and very peaceful and soothing. I'm enjoying this now because I know when the lights come back on, I'll get busy with tasks. I love the simplicity of life here and just truly relaxing. No TV. No car to run errands. No need to feel 'productive' all of the time. Simple life of serving others and worshipping God.

Debra is finally feeling better. Oh, I'm so glad. She is a new woman. :)

Mike asked me earlier when I want to come down next. I told him 'next week'. He asked if I can come in November. Of course! He said he would have Beth come in December. I asked if I could come down in December with a team. He was excited about that. So I guess I may get to come both times. I'm willing to be here all that I can be and all that I'm needed. I thank God that I get to come.

The lights didn't come back on until after 10pm. The team got home about 9:30 and we ate by candlelight and flashlight. No complaints. They are such troopers! Tonight everyone was super late getting showers and into bed. We will all be tired tomorrow! But ready to serve!

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