Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

I finally finished posting an entry for each day from my Nic journal. Whew! What a job. I did spell check the posts, but got tired of rereading them, so there are probably a lot grammar errors and such. Oh well, I'll correct them all later. I hope you enjoy reading the daily antics of our teams in Nic.

There were lots of professions of faith, but I didn't get totals. There were many at each Fiesta and Crusade night. Many of the church services produced salvations, too. That is the main focus of our ministry - saved souls. Giving people hope for their daily lives and physical needs is another priority. Some of the families don't even get one meal a day. Many desperately need clothing and other basic items. Everyone needs to hear how much Jesus loves them and that He is their only HOPE for this life and eternal life.

I've been back in Rogers for a week (tomorrow night). The time has went by fast. I got in on Saturday night and was blessed to attend two wonderful church services on Sunday morning. It was the first Sunday service for FBCR at the new facility. It was wonderful to have everyone in one service. I loved the worship. I then high-tailed it across town to the old building to worship with the Cuerpo Vivo congregation in the sanctuary for the first time. What a blessing to come in and just have church. No setup and rearranging and teardown. The kids were in real kid's rooms. The babies got to be in baby beds and not on the floor. We were all so thankful. God is so good to all of His people.

I've spent the week catching up on what's going on with both churches. I had a great meeting with John Caubble on Wednesday, discussing what needs to be planned and implimented at FBCR for local missions, what's going on with Cuerpo Vivo, and what's going on in my life and God's call for me in Nicaragua. It is so exciting to see God working in so many lives. He's such a busy guy and the least we can do is to get on board with Him and follow what His plans are for us.

Monday I got to have a yummy lunch with my friend, Avis. I just never get enough time to spend with this lovely lady. I need to make more of an effort to spend time with her.

I got to have a great visit with Sherry and Manuel Hulsey over lunch on Tuesday. We discussed the opportunities for me to be involved with Voice of Hope going forward. I'll be spending a lot of time there and I'm so grateful. I feel very at peace about God's call on my life for Nic. There is nothing like the feeling of being in the 'sweet spot' of God's will for your life.

Wednesday started with my meeting with John and then we had our monthly Staff prayer meeting. Afterward, 5 of us gals went to eat at Applebee's. It was very tasty.

Last night was the volunteer appreciation dinner for the wonderful people who volunteer at the River of Life Medical Clinic. October will mark the 10th year for the clinic. It's hard to believe that so many years have gone by. God has used that ministry to touch thousands of lives. The volunteers are real soldiers for Christ. I admire and appreciate them much.

Today, I got to have a quick haircut (so Carolyn could fix my chopping escapades in Nic) and then helped stuff bulletins at the church. It was fun to talk with Pauline, Maryann and Mary. I stopped in at the Food Pantry for a quick hello and then ran to Walmart (my first time since I've been back). I had lunch and a nap and then got on the computer to get some work done. I ordered some books from a Spanish website for Cuerpo Vivo classes. I hope I ordered the right thing! :) Deanna and I are just relaxing as usual this evening.

I'm so thankful for all that God allows me to do and experience.
He is worthy of so much more than I can give Him. I'm thankful that He accepts my meager attempts at Praise.

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