Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nicaragua July 24, 2010


Slept pretty well. Stomach is getting better. Fell asleep listening to the Spanish Bible on my iPod. I started with Acts 1 and woke up in chapter 12. I hope it was sticking in my brain. Up early and having quiet time in the 'Upper Room' (the veranda upstairs). The ocean is beautiful this morning. I can hear the waves crashing, the birds singing... and the pig across the street squealing. (Life in Nic.) Beth went with the vans to pick up the next team. There is free wi-fi at the airport, so she can download a lot of stuff on her computer while she waits.

I'm really enjoying the "Forgotten God" book by Francis Chan. A new way of living for me. I like it. I enjoyed the chapter today. I read the corresponding scriptures in English and Spanish. A really good study time.

I listened to the Spanish Bible and read along for the entire book of Ephesians for this morning. I finished my laundry and got my shower. It's so much cooler to wear a dress around the house. I brought 5 'mumu' dresses that I had made. They are so cool and comfy.

The girls made pancakes for breakfast and Mary did devotions. It was a nice time together.

We did a little more work on getting the house ready for the team. Mary sent me and the girls to the pulperia (little store) down the street to get some chips for lunch. It was fun walking down there. I got the chance to take pics of things that I don't normally notice when we are driving to the house. It was so hot and of course, we drew attention on the street. I always have fun watching the guys watching the girls... The girls fixed grilled cheese sandwiches for themselves and a grilled peanut butter sandwich for me. Yum.

As the girls were finishing their laundry, they found a crab in the washer. It had went through the wash cycle and survived. Although, it was not happy and had chomped holes in Kaylies favorite tshirt. The girls squealed a lot when they found it.

My stomach has been hit and miss today. I hope it is healthy for this next week while we are out working.

My data plan on the phone is maxed out already. yikes! Glenda sent me a message that the certified letters that came while I'm gone are from the IRS. Blah! I'm glad that there won't be taxes in Heaven!

The girls decided that I needed my toenails painted and Kaylie graciously took on that task. Now that is true servanthood! ha

I called my sister Sandy and she was very glad to hear that I'm alright. She worries. We had a funny conversation about what it is like here. She thought I was living in a hut with dirt floors. I got to reassure her that we are in a house, with beds, tile floor, windows (no screens), water and electricity (most of the time), and share it with bugs, geckos, toads, crabs, etc. and that we saw a snake on one of our walks to a village.

I got on Beth's computer for a few minutes on Facebook and chatted with my friend Carol Jay in NYC when she popped up. fun.

Each team brings new attitudes and expectations. Some are easy to work with and some are a challenge. The main thing is for me to be the person God intends and to be used by Him in all circumstances. God is in control of all and I need only to allow Him to work and not get in His way. And I need to enjoy and explore this new relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Time for bed now. I can read a little and then have the girls do lights out at 10pm. We'll be getting up earlier now that another team is here for work. I hope I sleep well. I know I'll be thinking about the Holy Spirit right here beside me.

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