Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2011 NICARAGUA

It was not raining this morning when I woke up, just threatening to, so I quickly put on my tennies and went for a walk. I put some money in my pocket in case the Librería (bookstore) was open so I could buy another notebook.

I noticed the van was at a ‘mechanic establishment’ as I was walking. We’ve been getting some maintenance done on it this week. I got the to the Librería, which I like because she opens up early, and found a notebook and pencil pocket with Marvel characters, especially Spiderman on them for Manuel. I got him a couple of special pens and a pencil sharpener. I was so happy with the purchases that I almost left without buying myself a notebook! I found one for myself and a new pen and a new receipt book for my bookkeeping duties. I was very happy with my errand.

On the way back home I passed a little store that had rolls of ribbon. I stopped in there and look a little bit. These stores are actually the front room of people’s homes, so they are just one room crammed with their wares for sale. This little store also had some beads and cord. I think I’ll stop again sometime to buy some supplies to make bracelets with German’s daughter, Mariangel. I had used all my pocket change at the Libraría on this walk.

When I got back to the Mission House, it was just starting to sprinkle again. I was thankful for a dry walk. I miss my walks! Anyway, Mike and Manuel were here and Manuel was happy with his new notebook and stuff. I’ll keep them here so he won’t have to carry them back and forth from home. I also gave him some colored pencils that I had brought from the states. He’s all set!

I grabbed a quick shower and then fixed some cereal and a banana so that Manuel and I could have a breakfast meeting. Of course, the meeting was very short because we had to pretend to drive there and our vehicle kept braking down and we had to keep getting out and lifting the hood to try to fix it. You never know what we are going to pretend when we get to play.

Sherry and Leslie were having their Mon-Wed-Fri meeting with the staff and then Leslie and I discussed the plan for the women’s Bible study sessions. I have the book (Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible) in Spanish, so I gave it to Leslie to read. We’ll be taking the study at our own pace with the ladies. I’m so excited to get this ministry started. Women here are very much oppressed in many ways. I can’t wait to celebrate with them as we learn how God has created us special for His work. I hope that they will feel a special bond with each other and we all lift each other up in prayer and rejoice with each other and help to carry each other’s burdens. I feel such promise from our Lord to bless these times together every week.

The Hulsey’s went home for lunch and rest and work. I fixed a baked potato for lunch and was planning a nap, until I remembered that Saturnino and Alberto are working on my bed. They had to quit for lunch and are back at it now. It is so fun to watch them work together. They are trying to get the frame and the wood/cane support thing to fit squarely. It seems to be as challenging as fitting a square peg into a round hole. But I know they will get me fixed up soon. At least in time for bed tonight!

We hung some fly strips up at the edge of the rancho (thatched roof open living area). The guys asked Leslie what they are. She asked me and I explained that they are to catch the flies when they land on the sticky strips. She translated this to the guys. They had the funniest looks on their faces as they looked at the empty strips and back to me and then told Leslie that the flies must be too smart to land there. Hahaha. Us crazy North Americans!!!

Well, as I sit here I see a steady light rain starting back up. Thankfully the guys got the leak in my room fixed this morning before our next 24 hours of hard rain begins. As long as the storms stay away, I don’t mind the rain. Storms I don’t like much. I’m thankful to have a safe dry place to stay.

And I’m thankful to have Alberto here 24/7 to watch over the place and he takes good care of me. In fact, he just came over to me and asked where my glasses are since I’m working on the computer without them. I showed him that the screen has big printing on it, so I can type without my glasses. Between him and Saturnino, I’m in good hands!

More later, hopefully after my nap! They are still working on my bed. ☺

Ok, they got my bed done, but by the time I got it made back up I wasn’t sleepy. I did lay down and read for a while anyway. Listening to the rain was nice.

Just a little while ago, German, Mike and Manuel stopped by to drop off some materials that are needed for some repairs to the Mission House. German said some wood was going to be delivered and gave Alberto the money to pay the delivery man. It’s hard to hear when someone knocks on the gates, so Alberto stayed by the big gate to listen, even though it was raining a little. I was walking around talking to family on the phone and noticed hoofs under the little gate. I looked out and there were 3 horses grazing on our tall grass. Yay horses, please ‘mow’ it good for us! Anyway, the delivery guy finally came with the wood. He was driving a horse and cart. The horse couldn’t make it up the steep drive at first, but then a guy walking by help to push the cart up the slope. I was impressed with the skill the man had in backing the horse up so that the cart was lined up perfectly to where the wood needed to be unloaded. The delivery was made, the man was paid and the gate was shut. It was only then that I realized that I have carrots in my fridge and could have tipped the horse for his services. Oh well…

After some plumbing repairs in other rooms, the shelves in my room go up next! Woohoo! That might happen this week! Then my room will be complete! I love nesting and organizing. I am easily satisfied, too. Just some rough wood shelves and my life is complete. Haha

The skeeters were out early tonight, so I closed up my room about 6pm and fixed a pb&j sandwich and glass of milk for dinner. I had soup for a mid afternoon snack and a baked potato for an early lunch. I just kind of graze through the day, but I’m not eating as much as I usually do in the states. Hope I can keep up this habit when we have the ladies here cooking for the teams. I always eat too much then!

I’m thinking that I might break out the sewing machine tomorrow or Friday. I’m feeling my creative juices flow a little bit.

For tonight, I think I’ll read and study a little more. I’m ready to start doing these Bible studies. I hope the weather permits us to be out in the communities more next week. But I’m also thankful for the slower time for preparation, too.

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