Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday, Oct 2, 2011 NICARAGUA

Woke up this morning to the sounds of people gathering a few yards from my door. They were getting ready to have a worship service and baptism in our partly filled pool. It was the church of our Landlord, who is a Pastor. Wonderful way to start the day.

I got up and had a peanutbutter sandwich and a glass of ice cold milk (thanks to Freddie my new Frigidaire). I got ready for church and German and his son Ishmael picked me up. We went to German’s home and I got to see if for the first time since they have moved in. It’s not complete yet, but they are using the money that used to go to rent in another house to buy the materials for finish this home. It’s wonderful! I also got to meet Buster, Manuel Hulsey’s dog. How cute! German’s family is doggie-sitting for Buster. He’s tiny!!! A miniature Doberman and he’s still a teeny puppy.

We all went to church together at Rose of Sharon Country Club church, where we help with feedings sometimes and where I’ll be starting some weekly Women’s Bible Studies. I got to say hi and that I know that God is going to teach us all a lot as we study the Bible together. And that I was looking forward to helping cook for the feedings again if they will allow me to join them in the ‘kitchen’ again. Perhaps I will get proficient at open fire cooking!!

I didn’t remember to find my fold up hand fan for church and it was sure missed. I was sweating tons and remembering how it’s always like this here. How spoiled I was to climate control in the states! Ha I loved the music and knew some of the songs today. I can’t wait until I know more and more of them. Even so, it’s exciting to worship along side brothers and sisters when our heart language is Jesus.

After the service, we went to a little hole in the wall restaurant and got some great pollo asada to go. They dropped me off at the Mission House with my lunch and Saturnino’s lunch. The church group was still here and I said a quick hi and retreated to my room to wolf down that great food!

It started raining really hard and the electric kept going on and off, but I still got some more unpacking, sorting and organizing of my stuff done in my room. Then I took a little nap, but kept waking up from the thunder.

After the rain stopped I noticed Saturnino sitting in a chair resting, so I took him some cookies and we discussed lots of stuff (all in Spanish, of course!) and laughed a lot. My Spanish is getting better, little by little, but I don’t mind that it’s entertaining to people when I mess up. Saturnino says that he and the other workers like this place and that there is lots of work to do, but it’s good!

I talked to Sherry Hulsey on my Nica phone today. So glad to have that phone, which is much cheaper to call the states on! We talked for over an hour. I told her how I was fixing up my room. They will be here on Wednesday. It will be fun to have them back and we can get busy! I know they have been working hard down here up till now and I’m excited to join in!

Mauricio and his brother Lorenzo are my guards for this evening (in Alberto’s absence). They are nice guys. I feel very safe with everyone who works with us.

I guess I’ll get off of here and get some of my own Bible study done and then settle in for bed. Tomorrow German is taking me shopping for a rocking chair for my room. And I need some lamps, light bulbs, mirrors, etc. So much fun. I’m so thankful for all the love offerings that people gave me before I came down. What a treat to fix up my room!!!

God has blessed me so much and I’m so thankful. I told Sherry that I was thinking today that I love being here and would love it when the rapture happens to be here and let Nica be my last glimpse of this life. It seems like Heaven is just a step away!

Going to bed very thankful to be a child of the King tonight.

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