Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011 NICARAGUA

So funny… I’ve been totally at a loss as to what the date is since I’ve arrived in Nica. I keep correcting myself just to find out that I’m still wrong! Hahaha Anyway, I think I’m on track now… At least I have kept track of what day of the week it is, and that’s not always easy here, either.

I had a great walk this morning. Not my usual long exercise type, but about an hour of strolling some streets and exploring the neighborhoods and taking pictures. The neighbors will have to get used to a Gringa walking every morning for no apparent good reason besides getting some exercise. Crazy North Americans!

Our ‘neighborhood’ is mostly a cobblestone and pavement/dirt/pot hole lane. We are on the corner of 2 streets. Our compound has a cement wall around 3 sides and a high chain-link fence on the back side. Our neighbor on the back is a Priest who lives in a pretty big place. It’s really shady, green and has lots of trees. Kind of like our spread. There are 2 small cemeteries, one on each end of our ‘block’. There is a University/Technical School down the block and another residence (I think – it’s behind a wall, too) across the street and down a ways. Other than that, it’s just vegetation. There are some dirt streets past the Priest’s place and a little community with small pulperias (stores) and some houses of various materials. The people were curious about me as I walked by taking pictures. Just a block away I can get a pic of a volcano in the distance with steam coming out.

I walked most of the way into the edge of town where the Poneloya bus stops. That’s where Mary and I would get off when we came in from the old Team House. There are a few little markets along the way and a larger one by the bus stop. You can get fresh fruit and some other stuff there.

Taxis (small vehicles) that are privately owned are around, especially for North Americans. It’s important to get a ‘legal’ one and not a gypsy one, because the taxi owners have to pay a large sum for the official taxi license plate and it’s just not fair for the gypsies to take their customers. Accidentally took a gypsy one once. Got shouted at a lot. Won’t make that mistake again!

The main road has little sidewalks which make it very handy for walking. You still have to watch for animal droppings, but for the most part, it’s easy to walk around. There are various vehicles: taxis, buses, lots of bikes, small trucks that serve the purpose of in-town buses, motorcycles, carts pulled by horses or oxen and a few horseback riders. And of course, walkers. I like to people-watch and I’m enjoying the new scenery that our move has afforded me on my walks.

I came back home and fixed some oatmeal and orange juice for breakfast. The juice was semi frozen and great! I piddled a little more organizing my room and then got busy doing some Bible Study. I sat in my rocker inside for a while and then moved it to the veranda right outside my room. It is very comfortable and I love sitting in it and just rocking away.

I did a little studying on the book that I am going to use for the Women’s Bible Study here. It’s ‘A Woman after God’s Own Heart’ by Elizabeth George. I did that study before and I have my notebook and then the regular book in Spanish. We’ll be taking the lessons slowly each week, since each sentence I speak will have to be translated and I’ll also need to find out the best way to teach the group which will be made up of both literate and oral learners. I’m excited to see what God is going to show us through this journey. I think the fellowship will be really great. Women don’t get that hardly at all down here and rarely get any study/classes for themselves. What a treat it will be to share this with them!

There is supposed to be a guy come to put a new air conditioner in my room today. He told German that he would be here at 1 or 2 or 3 or 4… I told German that is like the Cable guy in the states! It’s okay. I don’t mind hanging out and reading and studying and napping while waiting. ☺

Speaking of napping, I think I’ll try that for a little while. I’m sure that as soon as I doze off, the guy will get here. And if I don’t try to nap, he’ll never show up! Ha

Well, he showed up and neither I, nor the guard heard them knocking on our gate. Sooo, he will be back tomorrow and the A/C unit was delivered this evening. At least we’re ready for tomorrow! I will have to stay here at the house again all day, but maybe I can get some phone calls made and perhaps a friend will stop by. I love spending my days reading and studying and rocking in my chair!

I had some tuna and crackers for lunch along with an apple. Later I had some Campbell’s Minestrone soup (yes they sell it here) and some black olives for dinner. My evening snack was chocolate Snack Pack pudding and milk. Not too bad.

I finished another book on my Kindle. I love that thing. Tons of books in one small package! Just perfect for a mobile person! I was rocking on the veranda and listening to music on my iPod while reading when Mauricio, one of our guards, walked by. He couldn’t hear it loud enough to distinguish the words and asked if it was in English. I had to think for a minute to figure out if it was English or Spanish. I’m so used to my favorite Spanish music that I forget which language it is. I think that’s good… right? Anyway, Mauricio’s brother came by and we were talking a little bit and I told them I was learning Spanish and they started to help me with words. I’m so thankful that they are gracious and helpful in this culture.

The mosquitoes and sweat bees are enjoying my presence, so I have to close my door and window at dusk and find things to do in my room. My cologne of choice is bug spray these days. I like that kind from Avon that has picardin in it. I always load up on it when I’m in the states and bring down plenty to keep me dosed up here. It smells good, too.
Today while walking I saw a security guy in a nicer neighborhood opening a cocoanut with his machete. I guess it was time for his morning snack. Things like that are quite common here and I never think to take a picture until it’s too late. Lots of things to see. I love it.

It hasn’t rained for the last 2 days, which is nice for the rainy season. It did get a little overcast this afternoon, which made it nice to sit outside on the veranda.

Saturnino and some workmen got the pump and filter installed for the pool so it’s Gringo ready. They built a little room for it out of cement blocks and a tin roof. They do pretty much everything with hand tools around here. Although, on my walk this morning I walked past a larger building where some construction was going on inside and I could hear a power saw.

Another thing you don’t hear down here is a lawnmower. They keep the grass short using their machetes. They do a pretty good job!

The Hulsey’s will be back late tomorrow night and I’m sure we will be busy on Thursday and Friday. I’ll be giving the internet cord back to Mike, also, so I’ll get on internet via my phone occasionally and by computer every so often. I’m going to write my blog posts on a Word document everyday so that I can keep up and then post them when I have the internet cord. That should work out pretty well.

Time for more reading and bed. God is good!

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