Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sunday, Oct 16, 2011 NICARAGUA

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nice and tired this evening. Got up early (after sleeping quite well, except for a drum procession going down the street towards the cemetery at 5am) and did my usual morning things. Got ready for church and sat and rocked and talked to God until German and the Hulsey’s picked me up for church. We went to pick up German’s family and then got to Rose of Sharon church at Country Club on time. Of course, that means we were about 30 minutes earlier than it actually started…

The music was good. Pastor Marvin leads the songs and he has a good voice. This church has a tin room and cement block walls most of the way up. They leave the top of the walls open for ventilation. It was raining off an on all day, really hard one minute and then nothing the next. It was raining in at the church and I moved up front to hear better and to try to stay dry. I enjoyed the message and it reminded me of being in church with Cuerpo Vivo back in Rogers. I try to listen and pick up what I can in Spanish. German was translating for Mike and Sherry and I didn’t want to be able to hear him, otherwise I wouldn’t try to pick up on the Spanish. I enjoyed it.

Pastor Marvin welcomed Voice of Hope to the service and mentioned that I would be starting the women’s Bible study on Friday. The ladies are excited. They are inviting lots of women from the community. I hope a lot of them come! Pastor Marvin also introduced me to Hermana Teresa, who kind of leads the women of ROSCC church. I told her that I was looking forward to spending time with her and the other ladies.

I found out that one of my favorite ladies at the church is actually Pastor Marvin’s mother. Her name is Maria Luisa. She is a dear. We prayed together before and she was supervising when I helped the ladies cook for the feeding one day. She always gives me a big hug and smile. I can’t wait to get to know the other ladies better.

After church, we went to Suyapa for lunch. I had my usual grilled fish. They were out of the boiled potatoes, so they brought me mashed potatoes. They were rolled into 4 little balls about the size of ping pong balls. They were good. My fish was grilled just right, very crispy on the bottom. Yum!

After lunch, we drove by the beach at Poneloya. The waves are so strong and scary. The beach is so beat up and eroded. It’s a hard time of the year for the beach.

We got back to the Mission House and a family was here to speak with German and Mike about having a Quinceaños here. It’s the party for the Quineñeros (girl who turns 15). The date is December 10. It will be quite a party.

It was still raining and the ground was pretty muddy. I’m ready for the sun to dry things up a bit. Maybe tomorrow…

Everyone went home and I came inside my room and started sewing. I made a cover for the stacking shelves that house my little pantry in my room. I also made a smaller cover for the shelves under the sink in my bathroom. Then I found some random fabric that I had used to pack around the sewing machine for bringing down here. It was just the right colors for my room. I made a long pillow cover for my body pillow and 2 regular size pillow covers for my bed pillows. During the day, I put these along the back of my bed to make it look like a daybed. It looks pretty good. Glad that God had me pack that particular piece of fabric!! It took about 3 hours to get everything made. I love the little sewing machine! It’s going to get a good work out around here!

I fixed a baked potato for dinner and had some pudding. Not very healthy, but yummy. I’m too tired to fix anything else. I skipped my nap in lieu of sewing, so I will be ready for bed soon.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a very busy week. Time to get crackin’!! Can’t wait to see what all God is going to do with us!

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