Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, Oct 24, 2011 NICARAGUA

Interesting day! Lovely sunshine all day long. No rain even in the evening! Woohoo! I got up and had cereal and got showered and dressed. Then I spent some time with the visiting mission team before they left for the airport. I will sure miss having them around. I enjoyed them very much and they were very encouraging to me. I also loved hearing about all they were doing during the week here. The church they were working with was keeping them very busy!

I worked a little bit more on the sewing project and then got ready for my Spanish class. I walked to class since it wasn’t raining and loved the walk. I popped in to one of the little stores on my way that has some miscellaneous items. They actually had elastic and thread. I grabbed some light blue thread for my project since I had used up a whole large spool so far. I got some elastic to make Coco some more skirts. Then I hotfooted it down the street and was just a few minutes late for class, which is right on time for Nica! The husband of someone I had met once was visiting with Juan and I got to meet him. Now I don’t even remember his name. But I’m always glad to meet new people.

I had a GREAT time in class. It’s only me and we are reviewing and going at my pace so that I can get on to the things I don’t know, which is a lot, but Juan was pleased with what I knew for today. I loved every minute of it and the 2 hours flew by.

Leslie met me at the school when I was done and we went to lunch and to shop for sewing supplies and fabric and also to check prices at some souvenir places. That’s my assignment for when we go to the big markets in Masaya and Managua, so that we can get good prices on things to bring back and sell to the teams. We’re not looking for a profit, but wanting good prices for them. I always enjoy shopping at a little place called Plaza del Carmen. She has nice things. She was very helpful, even though she doesn’t always give people her prices unless they are buying something, which I totally understand. I saw a few things that I’m going back for when I get money at the first of the month!

We also went to Central Park, where some vendors are. We saw the usual stuff and a few new things. We stopped at 3 fabric stores and I got a little bit of fabric for my pillowcases and Coco’s skirts. There’s another store that was trying to close for lunch, so I’ll have to go back another time. They have tons of sewing supplies and crafts supplies. I was surprised. I think I’m going to love that store! It is next to La Unión, so it won’t be hard at all to stop in there.

We had lunch at Tip Top Chicken and both decided to try the chicken lasagna. It was so-so, but Leslie didn’t like it. It tasted more like tuna casserole to me, which I like, so I ate it. At least I know that I should just go ahead and get the grilled chicken. One happy note, the bathrooms at that little plaza have been redone and are pretty nice, for Nica, anyway.

I enjoyed my time with Leslie and then I took a taxi home and she grabbed the bus to her house. The taxi driver already had a fare going my way, well, sort of, so I went along for the ride. He dropped her off and then picked up someone else going my way. It was a nice, scenic drive home and I enjoyed seeing more of the city. It’s many, many streets that all look the same. It amazes me how people know where they are going, especially with very few street signs (on the corner of buildings).

I got back to the Mission House and the Hulsey’s were still here, so Manuel and I played together for 5 minutes. Then I got busy on sewing. I did that for a couple of hours and have all 15 bags in the final stages. I think I will be able to finish them tomorrow afternoon after I get home from English class.

I decided to have pasta for dinner and asked Alberto if the kitchen was unlocked so that I could get the pasta and a pan. He insisted on lighting the propane stove for me so that I wouldn’t blow up the place. ☺ I had to stand by the stove, which is outside the kitchen on the porch, so that the little bit of wind would not blow out the fire. I enjoyed the pasta and put the leftovers in my fridge for snacking over the next couple of days.

Soon it was time to prepare for the VOH Monday night Bible study. Sherry called and asked me to set up the computer and projector to play a moving. Tangled was in English and in Spanish so we set that one up. I’m getting better about this technology stuff. Although, at one point I was perplexed why the picture quit showing on the screen (mattress against the wall with a white sheet on it). I was trying all kinds of settings changes on the computer. Then I realized that the connection just wasn’t in tight enough. LOL. Anyway, we got it going and popped some corn. Coco and her son Nestor were enjoying the movie and Alberto came in to watch, too, since it was in Spanish. Manuel wasn’t too excited about it, though.

After everything was done tonight, Manuel had me tell Coco and Nestor that we were going to play for 5 minutes and that I was Manuel’s wife, Coco was his daughter and Nestor was his son. We pretended to go to church and hear him preach. I translated and we all had a great time. Alberto came to hear us, too. We were all clapping. I just love the simplicity of being here.

My two friends from English class, Jonathan and Salvador, came tonight. They arrived late because they were lost. I’m glad that they didn’t give up. German and Joanna couldn’t come, because German had to go to Managua today. Oscar didn’t make it and others had prior commitments. So it was a perfect night for Mike to get to talk with Jonathan and Salvador and me. They guys did really well understanding what Mike was sharing. I think they enjoyed being here. We told them they are welcome every Monday. I told them to just stop in anytime they want to visit. Mike also told them that as they get better with their English, to keep in mind that we are always needing translators for teams. Mike was very impressed with their Engish speaking ability after only 7 weeks of studying with Juan. He is a very good teacher. I hope he does wonders for me in Spanish!!!

Speaking of Spanish, I need to get off of here and do my homework and practice time. I have class again tomorrow morning. ¡Buenas Noches!

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