Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Oct 3, 2011 NICARAGUA

Woke up early this morning and read for a little while and then dozed off for just a little bit more. My bed is very comfy. It’s pretty quiet here, with just some traffic noise from the road along side our compound. Different from the old team house on the beach, where you could hear the waves and you were used to the different birds and the geckos and such.

Speaking of critter noises, there is some kind living being on the compound that makes a very loud screechy noise. At first, I thought it was my fan squeaking off and on. Then opened up the door and heard the varmit. I think it might be some kind of mutant frog or something. Haha I’ll have to ask Saturnino about it.

I got up and went for a quick walk this morning. I ended up forgetting my water bottle and was planning on a short walk to get used to the sun. I headed off west on the main road and was met by German and Joanna coming toward me in Chinchin. They picked me up and brought me back to the Misison House to get the internet cable. They can use it on their computers in the van. I grabbed my water bottle and headed back out to walk some more. I headed east into town this time. It was a rather short walk this morning (only about 40 minutes) but I enjoyed it very much. I’ll have to get these new neighbors used to seeing the Gringa walking for no apparent reason every morning!

I took a quick shower and dressed to leave with German and Joanna to run some errands and shop for a new air conditioner for my room. I love having the door and window open with fans on when possible, but sometimes these room get hot, and if I need privacy, I have to shut everything up. The little bitty A/C unit in the wall just can’t do the job. We checked at 3 stores and even though things cost 3 or 4 times as much here as they do in the States, we found a pretty good deal. Of course, German kept ‘negotiating’ with the salesman and the unit will be delivered today and installed tomorrow for free. ☺

I came home for a quick lunch. How fun to have tuna and crackers, cucumbers, grapes and ice cold water from my fridge! Joanna brought me a bowl of spaghetti, too, so I’m all set for the day!

I’ve been on the computer for a while and listening to some of my favorite Spanish praise songs. I’m so content! I believe that I will take a quick nap before German and Joanna pick me up this afternoon. German kept saying that he is coming at 2:40, which is funny to be so specific on time in this place and culture where time is relevant.

Later… time for a nap!

Nap was quick, but good. Woke up in time to leave with German to run some errands. We found a place that would sell me just one rocking chair (they usually sell them in a set of 4 with a little ‘coffee’ table). I had my choice of 3 styles and I sat in all of them just like Goldilocks. I chose the one that was ‘just right’. It’s a little more ornate that I would have chosen on looks alone, but it sits really well. I’ve already enjoyed it on my patio and in my room.

We went to La Unión so I could get some more bottled water. You go through it quickly when it’s what you drink, brush your teeth with, wash veggies with, etc. I grabbed a few other items, include a lightbulb for a clip-on lamp that I had brough with me. I’m using it on my table (desk) for now until I can get a bigger lamp. It’s doing the job!

I saw our little friend Ricardo at La Unión. He’s a sacker and carry-out guy. He’s always so nice. Mary always takes good care of him with tips. He greets us with a kiss on the cheek, which is customary for friends here. He always asks if I’m there by myself or not. I think he enjoyed it when the Interns shopped with me this summer. ☺

I also ran into my friend Vanessa at La Unión. Her family is here as missionaries from Virginia. What fun to get a hug from her!

I fixed a little dinner of soup (in my hot pot) and snack pack pudding. I think that should be considered a balanced meal since the good balances out the bad. But what do I know…

I listened to some Spanish praise music on my iPod and rocked in my new chair for a little while. Enjoying the peace and quiet on my first few days here. I gave Mary a call and she’ll be coming down the first of November. She will love fixing up her room.

I worked on a little Bible study, played around with Facebook a little and now I think I’ll read and go to bed kind of early.

I’m staying here at the house tomorrow to wait for the appliance guy to bring and install my new air conditioner. I have been blessed with love offerings from people, so I’m splurging and getting one that will make this hot room pleasant when I have to close my door and window for privacy.

I’ll probably work on my Women’s Bible Studies plans and study a little Spanish and call a few Nica friends. I can’t wait to get some of those hugs!!!

It’s been a good day. Surreal in some ways. I feel like I’m on a train and when I look out the window I can’t believe where I am. I’m trusting God to be the Conductor of this journey!!ß

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