Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, Oct 1, 2011 NICARAGUA

What a lovely day and what a lovely view from my window. Loving my room already!

I was going to start the day with Bible Study, but I haven’t found my Chronological Bible that is packed away in all this stuff. I settled on some prayer and just plain ole conversation with God. Sweet!

I got my shower and dressed and then opened up my large window and door so that I could get the fresh air inside. What a lovely view. I started in on putting my room together. It’s VERY bright blue (think tropical) with a beautiful wood plank ceiling. It makes the room feel kind of dark and the light coming in the window and door kind of blinding, but it’s great! I’m going to hand some mirrors up so that it will reflect the light around the room a little more.

I put my zip-up wardrobe things together (I don’t have a closet) and lined them up along one wall. They look great! I started putting clothes in them. I need to pick up some more hangers, but it will be grand. I don’t have a dresser, so I have some rolling, under the bed storage boxes to keep stuff in. My bed is high enough that I can store a few suitcases under there and use them as drawers, too. I grabbed a square plastic table and chair from the living area and put them in the corner for my desk. I had some plastic stacking bins that I assembled and started just throwing that stuff on. I need to organize that stuff, but that can wait.

I got to spend about an hour and a half working with Ervin (I think) on picking out some of my pics for our website. He is volunteering to spice it up and bring it up to modern standards for us. He’s making it bi-lingual, too. Yay! German was here to introduce us and then we were on our own with my limited Spanish and his great patience. But we made it through very well.

I worked on the room a little more, had some peanutbutter from the jar for lunch and then took a little nap. How wonderful! German called and said that he and the family were picking me up at 4:30 for some grocery shopping. It was so nice to see the kids! I just love his little family! We picked out a mini-fridge for my room. I had been saving for that and was thrilled with what we found. It’s a little bigger than I anticipated, but more perfect! It’s a Frigidaire 4.2cf with a nice little freezer compartment. We had went to 2 different stores and only one had a mini. And this was the only one in stock. MY blessing! German haggled with the owner over the price and I ended up paying $180 USD for it. A lot more than in the states, but that’s how it is down here. (while in the ‘appliance’ stores, I priced sewing machines. The most basic was over $200. Something we would pay about $70 for in the states. I’m glad I got a good one online and we are carrying it down here.)

We had dinner at Tip Top Chicken and then went grocery shopping at La Unión. We also stopped off at the Salmon store for a couple of mirrors for my room. After getting home and putting the fridge in it’s special spot saved just for it, I put my grub away and then got a much needed shower, turned my little A/C unit on to cut the heat a little and settled in for the night. My morning ‘coldish’ shower was not as appreciated as the evening one, but that’s only because I got too used to hot showers in the states. I’m acclimated now and love it!

I had written a huge blogpost, but it got lost in Nica cyberspace, so I’ve rewritten 3 days to post separately. Note to self: ALWAYS write blogposts in a Word document and then copy and paste to the web. I learned that lesson last year, but needed a reminder!

My room is about 90% done and I’m quite at home here. I just need to buy a wood and cane rocker, which I have saved up for, and maybe a lamp and I think I will be complete. Sherry is bringing me a microwave for my room and it will fit nicely upon Freddy, my Frigidaire!

I may have Saturnino build me a few shelves to hold all the Bible Study materials that I will be using weekly with the women. We’ll see how the room tells me it wants to be set up. ☺

I’m so thankful for my Precious Savior, who makes it possible to have this wonderful relationship with Our Father, and for the life that God is allowing me to live, especially here in Nica. He is awesome and has such wonderful plans for us, big and small, if we just ask Him to show us.

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