Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, Oct 23, 2011 NICARAGUA

Oh man! I’m sooooo tired! Just spent 7 hours straight sewing on the tote bags for the Las Quimeras Women’s Bible Study group. Making 15 bags in total. Spent hours yesterday cutting out all the pieces and making my prototype. Spent about an hour and a half this morning before church stitching up the straps. I have 7 ready for the last 2 steps, 13 ready to stitch up the outside, 13 linings ready to put in and then finish. Held up for now because I need more light blue thread. I used a whole large spool today. I hope that I can find some sewing supplies tomorrow when Leslie takes me to the market. Love making these for the women, but tired for today.

There was a church service here this morning under the rancho and baptisms in the pool. I got ready for church and stayed in my room until German & the Hulsey’s came to get me. We went to Rose of Sharon CC church because Mike was asked to preach about leadership. Then they had all 20something leaders (half of their congregation) come forward to be prayed over. It was neat. I took some pictures. I asked German to tell Pastor Marvin that I would take a group picture after church and have it printed off for the church. It was funny trying to get them all situated for the picture. The ladies from the Bible study all came and gave me warm hugs this morning. I know we are going to have a wonderful Bible study time together over the next months.

After church, German called in a delivery order from Tip Top Chicken and the Hulsey’s and I came to the Mission House for lunch. It was yummy! I got the usual grilled chicken breast. It comes with 2 tortillas and I cut it in half and make to servings out of it. I love the frijoles molida (smashed beans) and the cole slaw. I do have to admit that watching them eat fried chicken and fries was a little painful, but I’ve learned to stay away from the fried stuff. Manuel always donates his slaw to me since he doesn’t like it.

Manuel went swimming for a little bit and then he and I had 5 minutes of play time. He is so funny! I told him that I’m starting my Spanish classes in the mornings and won’t be able to have our first thing meeting times every day. We have already rescheduled tomorrow’s meeting. ☺

This evening the mission team stopped in to change clothes for church. I got to get some pics of them. I will really miss having them around! They leave in the morning.

I’ve got a lot of studying to do on many things. I need to prepare for the Women’s study at both churches. The groups are very different and I have a feeling we will be on different schedules as we move along at our own pace. I need to keep up with my Chronological Bible Study, but I have been ready ahead each day in case my time gets squeezed too much. Now I will have Spanish homework, but at first it will be stuff I already know, so that won’t be too bad.

The days are getting busier and the time is flying by. I’ve been here a month now and haven’t had the chance to lead anyone to the Lord. But I have had the chance to plant some seeds. I’m just trying to be obedient to what God wants me to do. I’m enjoying all the people I get to meet and interact with. This season of life is really sweet!

The Hulsey’s found out that they don’t have to go back to the states for any meetings until their planned departure on Dec 23. Yay! That will save them tons of money on plane tickets and frustration. Mary will be here in about 10 days or so. It will be fun to see how she wants to fix up her room. I hope that she enjoys her room as much as I like mine. I love living here at the new Mission House. I need to take some pics and post them on facebook. I keep thinking that I will wait until I get the next project done, but then I think of something else to do.

I’m so tired, I need to get off of the computer and head to bed. My feet are swollen from sitting at the sewing machine for so long. Time to put them up on the bed. Even dirty and swollen, they still represent Romans 10:15 ‘How beautiful are the feet that bring the Good News’. I’m glad that God looks inside our hearts and doesn’t pay too much attention to our outside appearance. Ha.

PS No rain at all today! Woohoo!!!

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