Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 7, 2012

Engish Class again and the walk was fun! We finished up the Creation to Christ story and the class took up a collection to go and get the papers copied for each of them. They want to use it to share with others!

The team started their ministry day at La Quimera doing dentistry. They had a short night of sleep, but were raring to go!

I went with the van taking lunch to the team. So I got to visit the church, which was made into a dentist’s office by hanging rope and sheets. They had a folding dentist chair. Dr. Driggers had brought one of his daughters and 2 of his employees from his office. There were 2 other young ladies helping and Pastor Jamie and wife Sandra rounded out the team. I took a few pictures, but I didn’t linger long where the tooth stuff was going on. I get chills thinking about dentists!!! I rode back to the team house with the empty lunch containers and cooler.

I got the chance to study some Spanish with Jaasiel, who will tutor me once a week. Mostly, we reviewed what I’ve learned so far. We laughed a lot. She gave me an assignment for next time. It will be fun to work with her.

The VOH Praise Band practiced for awhile and I like listening to them. Manuel was allowed to help sing and he enjoyed it!

I downloaded some pics & videos to Facebook and did some other computer work until sunset.

I practiced my guitar for a while and then went to bed to read. It was pretty early, but I was tired. Another good day!

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