Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 5, 2012

I got up early and headed to Pacheco’s English school. I’m so excited to get to help with the class for advanced students. This will be my 5th class to help with. Some I’ve only attended once and some a few times and one class I was blessed to help with for about 3 months. I love it every time!

I walked to the school, which is about 1 mile away from the team house. I’ve missed walking and desperately need the exercise! It’s hot, but worth it!

There were 4 people in class today. New acquaintances for me. All sweet! Dora is very advanced and ready to be a translator. She was very nervous and said that she wants to do an excellent job and worries that she will not be able to think when in front of people. I had her come up front with me and translate what I was sharing with the class. She didn’t miss a beat! She was surprised to see how easy it was and her confidence was boosted a lot. Christian is pretty knowledgeable in English, but I have a hard time understanding him when he speaks. My hearing loss doesn’t go well with way of speaking. We’ll work it out, though. Maykellyn is a rambunctious young lady that I met earlier in the year. She is so friendly and out going. She is not as advanced as the others, but she is not afraid to jump in there and try. I love working with her. Aarón is the Youth Leader at his church and I first met him when they came to the team house last summer to perform some music and drama for a team. He is very talented and is working hard on his English skills. I loved being with the class.

I walked home did some computer work until lunchtime. It’s a fairly quiet day getting ready for the team coming in on Tuesday night. It’s a good week for me to be working on the huge files for the Feeding Center sponsorships. A large task, but I enjoy it. I just have to pace myself so that I won’t feel burnt out.

I watched a movie on my computer while working on one of the banners in my room. I then read some in a new book on my Kindle. The book is called “Not a Fan” and I think I’m going to get a lot out of it.

It’s been a good day. I get hot, tired, refreshed, encouraged, excited, hot, tired (did I already say that???) and I enjoy every minute that God lets me be here. I’m very blessed.

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