Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 18, 2012

Sunday mornings with teams are always fun. We split into groups and visit different churches. This group is large (42 people) and when you add translators and VOH staff, we make almost 60 people. We split into 5 groups for morning church services and 5 groups for evening church services. We hit 10 churches for the day. Everyone had a great time.

My group went to a church that I haven’t been to before. Iglesia Nueva Restauración. It was a small church, but had a great praise team and they even had young girls who dance with scarves and ribbons. It was really pretty and we could feel the Holy Spirit there. I liked the Pastor, too. Everyone was very friendly. We gave a testimony and the message. There was a lot of prayer. Besides the usual, we also prayed over the members of the congregation who requested and then the church prayed over us! What a blessing!

We came home and had yummy grilled chicken for lunch. Then we had a team meeting and orientation. The Fiestas were explained and demonstrated. The translators worked on putting together the prizes for the Fiesta games for the week. There will be over 30 Fiestas this week. That’s a lot of prizes! I worked on getting stuff ready for the Conferences for the week. Then there was some rest time before dinner and church.

Everyone had a great day. A lot of the team were very tired from getting in so late on Saturday night (1:30am and 3:00am). Some took naps. By bedtime, everyone was ready for lights out.

It will be a busy and great week!!! To God be the Glory!!!

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