Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011 NICARAGUA

Boy, am I tired tonight. I think I will sleep well. I hope so.

Last night I left with German to pick up Danilo at On the Run (convenience store) and then we went to pick up the Chinchin van from the Hulsey’s house. Danilo took the green van and German and I took Chinchin to Managua. It took about an hour to get all this rearranging done and to be headed off. It was nice to get to spend some time talking with German.

We got to the airport a little after 9pm. Megan’s flight was delayed almost an hour, so I sat in the van while German and Danilo and Danilo’s mother (who needed a ride from Managua to León) sat outside on the parking lot curb and chatted. Megan’s plane landed a little after 10pm, so we went into the terminal to wait for her. She saw and recognized me (which is good since I have only seen her picture on facebook). We packed her 2 suitcases in the van and retrieved Danilo’s mom and jumped in for the ride home.

Megan and I chatted the whole way and started to get to know each other. I didn’t even think to ask if she wanted to use my Nica phone to call Josh. Duh. I was very excited to hear that she speaks Spanish. How wonderful for her ministry time here and also that she can help interpret around the house and she will be able to talk to Joseline more than I can. I’m so happy that Joceline will have someone to talk to!

It was good to get Megan and bring her to the Mission House. We got her settled in for the night and I went to bed. We got home about 12:30pm last night and I went to bed about 1am. I woke up at 5am. I slept pretty well, but not long enough!

I was going to call Juan and cancel Spanish class for today, but decided to just ask to come at the usual time of 10am instead 9am. I started walking and Jorge stopped to offer me a ride. I jumped in his taxi and didn’t feel one bit guilty about skipping my walk. He didn’t want me to pay, but I insisted. He is very nice, but I want to bless his family as much as I can.

While waiting for Juan, I found out that his grandmother passed away last night. I wish I would have known that when we spoke on the phone this morning. I would definitely have told him to skip class today. Bless his heart.

But he was excited to get his copy of the Spanish verb book that I had ordered for him. We jumped right in and abused my brain!

During the class, he had a couple of visitors who came to sign up for his promotion of getting the first level of English classes free. He had bee handing out flyers last Friday. The 2 guys are going to start classes tomorrow morning, so I’m going back to 2 hours a day instead of 3, so that he can teach them the 2 hours before my class. I’m excited for them all.
I walked home from class today and it was very hot. I felt that I should walk home since I didn’t walk to class. I was glad to get home. We had a yummy lunch of Canelones and salad. I really wanted to take a nap, but settled for getting things ready for the Sewing class at 2pm.

We had fun with the ladies today. They are starting to make some drawstring backpacks. They got to use the sewing machine today and they were a hoot! Megan sat in on the class and had a great time talking to the ladies. They had difficulty getting on the bus to León because of all of the travelers coming to town to prepare for tomorrow night’s Day of Mary celebration. The buses were overflowing and some weren’t even stopping because they could not hold another person. And in Nica, that means they were FULL!

It was decided that we wouldn’t go out for the Bible study tomorrow afternoon because only 3 ladies would be present. Everyone else would be busy with the Day of Mary stuff. I hate to miss a class, but I think it was a good decision. I use my time to sew instead.

After the ladies left today, Megan, Joceline and I went for a quick swim. The water was a little bit cold, but it was nice. I had some cold Canelones and some cream of mushroom soup for dinner. Then I got my shower and pinned some Bible bags together to be ready to sew tomorrow afternoon.

I downloaded my Spanish verbs cds and listened to them while I was working on the Bible bags. I was reciting verb endings from outer space (ha) and trying to keep track of what I was doing. Not an easy task for my tired brain tonight. But I’m very thankful to have the cds. I’m downloading the audio onto my phone and iPod.

Megan asked if she could go to Spanish class with me tomorrow. It will be fun to have her here. I know that Juan will be glad to meet her. We’ll walk, so she can see some of the stores and homes and stuff on the way. It’s nice to see the people and neighborhoods when walking. If we leave early enough, maybe we’ll stop by Bazar Jerry and the Librería that I like. Maybe even the used clothing store and the artist place, too.

I told Megan that maybe on Friday or Saturday, we could walk to downtown and see everything. I know she is interested in everything she can see.

Well, I guess I should get off of here and go to bed. I’m ready to drop off to sleep! It’s been a good day and even though it is only Tuesday night, I feel like it’s been a week already. HA Looking forward to the rest of the week! God is good!

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