Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 NICARAGUA

Another busy day. The team was up and out of here this morning to do 2 more Fiestas, VBS and Construction in the morning. Back for lunch. (yummy grilled chicken breasts, salad, rice, beans, tortilla) English Club, 1 more Fiesta and Construction in the afternoon.

I worked on Bible study, had a long talk with Sherry about the ministry, worked on gifts for the kids at Las Quimeras, prepped for Sewing Class and before I knew it, it was lunch time!

We had our last Sewing class for this ‘semester’. We gave the ladies their bag of sewing supplies and some pieces of fabric to take home and make things while we are gone. They started making more drawstring bags and waited in line for the 1 sewing machine that we have. We had a good time together. It was great to think about how much they have learned in just 5 weeks of class one day a week. They are sweet ladies.

The team groups got back in for some downtime and dinner before getting ready for church tonight. One of the guys had bought a live iguana on the way back to the Mission House. He had it in his backpack. He asked one of the kids on the team to look for something in his backpack. She came across the iguana and screamed. The iguana escaped the backpack and started running around the rancho. The guys were trying to catch it. When the iguanas are sold, their mouths are sewn shut so they can’t bite. This one had pulled his stitches out and was ready to bite. The guys caught him and I got them some rubberbands for the mouth. If I would have been the girl who opened the backpack, I would STILL be slapping that guy!

After more of the group got back to the house, another guy took the backpack and opened it up while making a speech. He pulled the iguana out, hoping to scare the lady sitting closest to where he was standing. She just looked at him. He was disappointed in the lack of reaction. Then all of a sudden she realized it was ALIVE and she screamed and ran! I think I would have slapped HIM, too. Anyway, the iguana was butchered, amongst many interested on-lookers and then cooked. Some of the team tasted the little guy. I opted not to try it. But the others said it was good ,and that even though it didn’t taste like chicken, it did taste a little like frog legs.

The team split into 2 groups for church tonight. I stayed back to finish up the dishes and work on Christmas gifts. When the first group got back, Alberto had dozed off in his little casita and didn’t hear the vans honking at the gate. I ran out and opened the gate for them. I had already showered and had on my sleeping duds, and thankfully they are shorts and tshirt, so I could run out there quickly.

I was listening to a little more Spanish Christmas music on my computer while working in my room. I’m enjoying it very much.

It’s hard to realize that Christmas is on Sunday. The hot weather and being so busy with the team here makes it easy to forget. I’ll read the Christmas story in my Bible in English and in Spanish to set the mood. I’ll also get to be at Las Quimeras church on Christmas Sunday, so that will be nice.

My niece sent me an email update on her wedding plans for February. It sounds like it’s going well. I think it will be very pretty. She and Rob are doing most of the planning and stuff themselves. I look forward to meeting him. He sounds like a good guy. February will be here before I know it!

I’m sad to leave here for a while, but anxious to get a lot of things taken care of in the states next month. It’s sometimes hard to get business taken care of from down here. I’ve got quite a list of things to research and organize and implement. Plus lots of people to talk to. I’m ready to get busy doing these things and then get back down here.

Megan just came by my room to return my Nica phone, which she borrows to call the states with. We had a nice chat. I don’t get to talk to her as much now that the team is here and she is busy with them. It’s been nice to get to know her since we’ve been here. I hope I get to see her when I’m in Rogers sometime. I’m sure she is ready to get back to Rogers to her husband and little boy.

I guess that’s all for today. I love getting to see the translators when they come to meet up with the team in the mornings. I’m looking forward to spending time with Jeremy and Kelly , and hopefully, Joe and Marcela after the team leaves. It will be quieter for a few days and then I’m gone to the states. I want to make the most of these last few days.

I am so blessed by God in so many ways. I’m thankful for everything He brings into my life. The hard times as well as the good ones. They all bring me closer to Him and that is what I want more than anything else.

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