Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011 NICARAGUA

What a lovely evening. I’ve had a great day. Saturdays seem to be a day of rest, sometimes, and I love it! This morning I walked to German’s house to see how long it takes. 30 minutes there and it will take longer getting home since it’s uphill. But once I got there and visited with Johana, German was ready to come to the Mission House, so I grabbed a ride with him. So, my walk wasn’t as long as I had planned, but the visit was much more fun! I miss seeing Johana. Ishmael was a hoot and Mariangel was her darling self.

Once we got to the house, I doctored German’s thumb, which he had banged really hard with a hammer while working on Johana’s breaks. It could probably use some stitches. I asked if it hurt and German said oh yes. But he still had his usual smile. He and Mike met a construction guy here and went to the site of the new church that is going to be built at the Sewer Pond neighborhood this month. Manuel went with them since it was a manly thing to do. Sherry came to the house a little before noon.

Since Mary and I had the place to ourselves this morning, it was pretty quiet. Joceline got up and we all just hung out and did laundry and stuff.

I got started on sewing the 40 Bible bags. I think I have the process ready for a little sewing every once in a while and will eventually get it all done over the next 2 weeks. I’m trying not to stress over it. I know that God will allow me to get it done.

I got to take a nice long nap this afternoon. That’s 2 days in a row. May, I love naps! Especially after I’ve been out in the sun for a while. My plan was to sew some more, which I did, and then swim a little for exercise, which I didn’t get to do. But it was an enjoyable afternoon anyway.

Manuel, Joceline and Juver were playing baseball and Sherry and Mary were sitting at the end of the veranda watching and cheering. Manuel did pretty good. He doesn’t have really good coordination due to some effects of seizures and the condition of his arm, so the workout did him well. When he connected with the ball, it went far. Once we lost the ball over the wall. When we opened the gate to go looking for it, Oscar walked in with flowers for Joceline. How funny! He ended up joining the ballgame for a little while.

Manuel is in love with Joceline. He doesn’t appreciate Oscar’s presence. It is interesting to see the interaction. Joceline is very aware of Manuel’s feelings and tries not to upset him. She is sweet. Oscar and Joceline joined us for dinner tonight. Sherry had made baked chicken and rice, peas and corn, and salad. Yummy!

After dinner, the Hulsey’s went home, including Buster the dog. Mary and I each retired to our rooms for showers and hanging out. Oscar and Joceline are enjoying the hammocks under the rancho. It’s pretty quiet here tonight.

I got quite a bit of sewing done today and am happy about it. Laundry is all done and put away. I’ve had my chocolate pudding and I’m listening to Spanish Christmas music. Sweet!

We’re going to the church in Telica tomorrow morning. Then we are having lunch at the Hulsey’s. I’ll be leaving with German’s family about 4pm for Managua to pick up Megan tomorrow night. We are going to hang out at the mall for awhile and have dinner and then Megan’s plane comes in at 9:20pm. It will be a late night, probably midnight or later when we get home. I’ll enjoy hanging out with German’s family. And I can’t wait for Megan to get settled in and start serving with us for the month.

I’m going to burn a couple of cds of kid’s Bible songs for the Telica church. I’m also going to take the prerecorded New Testament to them. It’s in a very conversational translation that the kids will enjoy hearing. It will be good to be back at that church again. I went for the first time with the team 2 Sundays ago. We are going to get involved with this church and start a Women’s Bible study there after I get back in Feb. I can’t wait!

Well, I guess I’ll close here so that I can burn those cds for church tomorrow. I’m thankful that it’s easy. I’m not much of a techie.

God has blessed me yet again today. I’m so thankful. I pray that I am pleasing Him with what I do. I’m looking forward to hearing the message tomorrow at church. And I look forward to my personal Bible study in the morning. Good stuff!

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