Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011 NICARAGUA

Well, it’s been another good day. But you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you? I just can’t say enough how blessed I feel to be here in Nica, serving in the ways that God allows. I am so blessed.

I got up early this morning, even though Buster stayed at the Hulsey’s last night and wasn’t barking at his usual too-early time. I did some Bible study, had breakfast, showered and dressed and had time to chat a little with Mary. My phone was ringing when I was getting out of the shower and the read out said it was Sherry. I can’t get good reception in my room and usually have to go outside. Since I wasn’t dressed yet, I hurried up and got ready so I could call her back and see what she wanted. It turned out to be Manuel using Sherry’s phone while she was out running. He said that he had sent me an email (pretend) and wanted me to be looking for it. He hears his daddy telling this to his brother in the states. Manuel said that he had sent a couple of emails to Mary, too, but she must be asleep since she didn’t answer the phone. He’s so funny. He had also taken the internet usb connector home last night, too. That wasn’t so funny.

Anyway, I left for school and talked to Deanna on the phone while walking. She could tell when I was going uphill. It was noisy, too, since it’s a major road and lots of buses and trucks are going by. At least there were no cattle to dodge this morning. Unfortunately, I ran out of minutes while talking to her. I didn’t want her to think that I had gotten run over, so I called her quickly on my iPhone just to let her know that I was okay. It was good to hear her voice. She said that she is ready for me to come home. I told her it would be less than a month now. I miss her and Jet.

The walk to class was good. As I passed by Bazar Jerry, the clerk waved to me again. I stopped in the Librería for a notebook and said hi to Yerling. As I walked past the artist in his little spot, he waved to me, too. How nice to have these little blessings. It was hot this morning, but I wasn’t as sweaty as yesterday when I got to the school. Jackie was there to greet me and I got settled in with the fan and my books and started reviewing until Juan got there.

We had a good class and talked about many things (all in Spanish). Taxes, IRS, dating, pre-marital sex in the US, saving money, buy Christmas gifts out of obligation, all kinds of stuff. One of the students from Juan’s Saturday English classes last year, Gerald, stopped in for a few minutes. He remembered me from that day. It was nice to see him again. He wished me luck with my Spanish classes.

I walked home and it was pretty hot. It gave me a good excuse to stop in at my favorite used clothing store on the way, to cool off. I found 2 large denim skirts to cut up for sewing material. I also found a couple pairs of capris and a couple of tops. It was nice to be welcomed by the owner. She is nice and loves that I spend money there.

We had a great lunch of grilled chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and coleslaw. After lunch, I went to my room to lay down a little. I fell asleep and dozed off an on for 2 hours. Oh my! But it sure felt good! I woke up about 4 and everyone was leaving. Sherry and Mary went to the movies, Mike and Manuel ran errands and hung out a while. Joceline and I went for a late afternoon swim and practiced English and Spanish words with each other. About 5:15 we got out of the pool so she could get ready for her date with Oscar and I grabbed a shower and some leftovers for dinner and got on the computer. It’s been nice and quiet.

Mary got home just a little bit ago. Aberto is leaving tomorrow morning for 8 days off. His cousin or nephew of something, Juver, is going to stay here in his place. It will be nice to have him here. Unfortunately, he runs his words together like Ablerto does, so it’s hard for me to understand what he is saying. But we will talk a lot, I’m sure and I’ll get used to it.

I was reminding Juan this morning that my left ear has profound hearing loss and I can’t hear a lot of sounds in it. It makes it difficult to learn new words by just hearing them. I’m going to listen to the Bible in Spanish on my iPod while reading it in my bi-lingual Bible. That will help me a lot. I can pick up new words and understand a lot by reading. It’s just this dumb ear that gives me problems. But it will be okay. It’s teaching me patience and to depend on God.

Even with my 2 hour nap today, I’m ready for bed early. I think walking in the heat is getting to me more than I realize. I need to watch that more closely. I’m just so hungry for exercise!

Oh, on the way home from class, I was almost to where the buses to Poneloya and Las Peñitas (the beach towns) pick up and I saw a motorcycle with Teresa (from ROSCC church) on the back. They stopped and she introduced me to her husband. She asked if I was going to ride the bus to the beach. I told her that I was walking home from Spanish class to the Mission House. She was impressed that I was walking so far. I think she was questioning my good sense about walking in the heat, though. She got back on the motorcycle (sidesaddle I might add, since she only wears skirts) and they rode off. How nice to see her.

Okay, now I’m getting off of here. Time for another episode of Army Wives and bed. Many blessings today and I know there are more to come.

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