Monday, September 3, 2012

August 27 - 31, 2012

Monday I ran some errands and found some great clearance deals at Hobby Lobby. In the parking lot, I ran into a new friend. It is so nice to see people! I was having lunch and ran into Janalyn, who I was planning on having lunch with on Tuesday. We were also both going to SoundArt music store. What a co-incidence! I went by the Frozen Cocoanut for a tasty snow shake. Genesis and Noemi came by Deanna’s to pick up some coupons and to visit with Jet. It was nice to have company.

On Tuesday, I met Janalyn at the Pleasant Grove church and she gave me some guitar pointers and loaned me her guitar for the week. Then we went for lunch at a steak restaurant. I can’t get enough steak!!

I met with Brian Sander about the Youth trip to Nica over Spring Break next March. It was nice to chat with him. I’m looking forward to the Youth coming down again. Glenda picked out some kids to sponsor from the VOH Feeding Centers. She was doing that in memory of one of the volunteers from the Medical Clinic. I went from the church to my eye doctor appointment. I had a nice chat about missions with my eye doctor. I just love talking about what God is doing in Nicaragua!

Wednesday started out on the computer and then I met Jerry Bolander for lunch. He is a friend from FBCR and is leading a team to Nica in January. It was great to chat with him. Then I went by a few stores looking for Nica stuff. I treated myself to a large lemonade from Chik-Fil-A. I just love those!!!

I met with Cathy Krupka about plans for the Women’s Team coming in October. Then we met with the women for a quick update meeting. Part of the ladies forgot about the meeting and some had changed their email addresses, so we had a come and go meeting. It was nice to see the ladies, though.

I spoke about Nica with the FBCR Youth on Wednesday night. I hope a lot of kids make the trip in March. It’s always a great growing experience for teams to come down.

Thursday morning I got my haircut and had a great visit with Carolyn. I went to the FBCR church and did some computer work. Kellie, Glenda and I went to a great Indian restaurant and had some curry and other wonderful dishes. I think I’ll have to visit that place again before I head south!

I picked out new glasses at the Walmart Vision Center. My friend Donna works there and always helps me find good ones. I don’t think I look good in any glasses so I have a hard time picking some out. My prescription only changed a little bit, but I wanted to go ahead and get a new pair so that I would also have a spare older pair in Nica for emergencies.

Friday I worked on the computer at home and rested a bit. It was kind of rainy and I was having some sinus issues. A nap was good. Then I went to dinner to my friend Zandra. We had Mexican food and then we went to walk through the Fresh Market, a new grocery store in the area. It reminds me a little of Whole Foods in NYC and I loved it. Then we sat in her vehicle at the Heritage High School parking lot until the ballgame was over and her daughter was ready to leave. It was a great time of visiting and relaxing. Zandra is my oldest friend in Arkansas. I met her on my first day of work in March of 1990 and the first thing she did was invite me to church. That’s a tru friend!

It’s been a great week of getting things done, visiting with people and eating good food. This is how a vacation should be! God has blessed me so much in these last weeks! I’m so thankful!

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