Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I got up and walked 4 miles this morning. Since I went to bed so early last night, I was wide awake at 5am and read until 6. Then I decided I wasn’t going to be able to fall back asleep, so I got up and walked earlier than usual. The weather was not so hot and the streets not so crowded, so it was a good change.

I got back to the team house and showered and fixed my oatmeal and then joined the team for a brief meeting. They all took off about 10am for downtown for sightseeing and shopping. They also had lunch at Tip Top Chicken and did more shopping before returning to the team house at 3:30pm.

Mary and I ran into town for some printer ink and a few things at the grocery store. It was nice to just run around a little bit. We got back to the team house and messed around a bit until the pizzas came for lunch. I love the veggie pizza.

I worked on typing up the Bible study notes in Spanish (thanks to Estefanie’s translating them for me) and printed off a copy for Lesly to edit/correct. Then I made a few phone calls to family in IN until the internet messed up my Skype calls on my phone.

I laid down to rest and play scrabble on my Kindle and then napped for about an hour. It felt so nice!

The team got back and we loaded up about 4pm and headed to the beach. We went to Suyapa restaurant for everyone to order their food. The team went walking along the beach for a while. Mary and I sat at the restaurant with the drivers and chatted. It takes a long time to get your food when in a large group, so we were there a while. As the sun was beginning to lower it started bearing down on our table, so we moved. One of the drivers was holding his cap up in the air to shield me from the sun. How sweet. Once we moved it was much better.

Our food came in shifts. Mary was served and started in on the veggies and potatoes. Then a little while later, the waiter brought over her real order and we discovered that she had MY plate! It was so funny! She gave me a few of the veggies and pieces of potato from her plate to make up for what she ate of mine. Everyone gets a small bowl of rice with their dinner. Mary had mine and hers both in front of her. I was teasing her about taking all of my food! Our dinners were really yummy, as always. We were still stuffed from the pizza from lunch, but we did a good job on our meals anyway.

Now I’m back in my room, showered and eating dark chocolate mint m&ms while working on the computer. In a little while I’ll be in bed early again, reading until I fall to sleep. It’s been a wonderful and relaxing day.

Tomorrow we start the ministry work week. I’ll be going to La Quimera as usual. The team will be splitting into 8 groups to go to churches who are involved with the Crusade this coming week. They will go to 8 more churches tomorrow night. It’s going to be a great Sunday!!

I’m so thankful for the blessings that God has given me this day (and always). It’s so wonderful to get to live here in Nica and serve my sweet Lord. I love all the opportunities He brings my way to interact with so many people. I love being a piece to His big puzzle.

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