Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

All day today, I have thought it was Monday. I’ve been so confused! Yesterday was a holiday and all the Nica staff had the day off. They came back to work today and it made me think that it was Monday. But then again, I’m easily confused!

I took the morning off from walking today. I knew I would be walking a lot this afternoon. So I got right to work on Feeding Center stuff. I was excited to be so close to checking off some very big items from my to-do list.

We had a driver available, so I didn’t have to take Lesly to the store for the meat for the Feeding Centers for next week. Nor did I have to drive Mayela to the San Jacinto Feeding Center. I got a ton of work done in the morning.

Mary was sweet enough to stop by On the Run and pick me up some of my favorite juice on the way home. She got me 10 bottles. Yay! I love the Carrot/Orange juice!

After lunch, I picked up Estefanie at her house and she gave me the translated notes for Bible Study. I got them ready in English and gave them to her last week and she worked on them all day Thursday to get them translated into Spanish for me. I’ll spend most of Saturday and Sunday typing up the Spanish version so they are ready for the ladies. That’s another big item on the to-do list that will get marked off!

Estefanie and I went to a museum that she has been wanting to show me. It used to be a small prison. There were many mosaics on the walls and drawings depicting scenes of all kinds. Then there were rooms filled with mannequins and other items. We walked up these small, steep stairs to walk around the concrete walls that the soldiers/guards used to walk on to guard the place. I don’t like heights at all, but I enjoyed the excursion. There was a tank there from the revolution in the ‘70s. This prison was a place of much torture. I’m glad that it can be turned into a place to share history and culture.

We then went to the main Cathedral at Central Park. I’ve been to the Cathedral many times, but had not been up on the roof. Part of it was blocked off for repairs, but we still made it up to most of the roof by going up very narrow and steep stairs. It was really pretty up there. Next time I hope to get to go up to the very top and take some pictures. Estefanie was a great tour guide.

I ended up taking about 129 pictures from the afternoon. I’ve downloaded them all on Facebook. It was such a wonderful afternoon for me. I enjoy Estefanie’s company and it was fun to do something totally unrelated to work. We stopped at Eskimo and I had some ice cream and she had a special juice drink. I then took her home and thought about how it feels closer to the mission house all the time. I’m getting more and more used to driving around León. A very nice afternoon, indeed.

I got back to the mission house and got on the computer. Jeremy and Charlie were finishing up the new website and it looks great! It has taken MANY, MANY hours over the last couple of weeks to get it done. Jeremy is very talented and his work was invaluable! I took Jeremy home and Mary rode a long. It’s just a mile or so, and the ride was refreshing.

I had some leftovers for dinner. I love leftovers of any kind, especially cold. I was very happy.

I retired to my room and got my shower and am posting some blogs. Next it will be time for a movie or reading (I haven’t decided yet) and then time to go to bed early so I can get up to walk early in the morning.

The next team will arrive here about 11pm tonight. I’ll probably stay in my room and meet them in the morning. This is our last week of teams until October. This past week has been such a blessing of resting and catching up on other work.

This next week will be very busy and I’m sure will go by very fast. It’s a Crusade, so there should be many salvations by the end of the week. I’m praying for everyone involved in the preparation over the past months and for the workers this week and for the local church people who will follow up with the new Believers after the Crusade is over.

God is so good to us! I love that He allows me to serve Him. I cannot think of anything better!

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