Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's been a good week so far. Monday I finished doggie-sitting for Gusto and Sophie. I got to sleep in my own bed for one night! yay Then Tuesday I started doggie-sitting for Gus. I'll be staying here until Saturday evening, when I get to go back to my own bed again.

I have to say that I have had fun with the pups and I have slept pretty well. The best part is that I can get internet at each house and I have gotten tons of computer work done each night.

I have done so much doggie/granny/kid-sitting in the last 6 weeks, that I earned enough money for a new laptop and camera. I'm soooo excited. My allergies are still on the rampage, but hopefully my head will all be cleared up next week when I'm back home.

I had a blast sorting and bagging and delivering the gifts for the teachers at Northside Elementary. I think they felt very appreciated and loved by all they received. It's nice to encourage people. I hope that when I can slow down a little, that I can get in more of a habit of looking around me and finding ways to bless others every day. I get too distracted with all the 'things' I need to do and forget about people sometimes.

Today, I went to a lunch meeting with Glenda (the director of our church's medical clinic) and 2 doctors who are wanting to start a community-wide Christian medical/dental clinic. They were asking about the possibility of our medical clinic being a part of the bigger, community one. We had a good conversation with lots of things to pray over and think about.

I was thrilled that the restaurant we ate at today had turkey and dressing dinners. I will be in Nicaragua for Thanksgiving and I was wanting to have turkey before I leave. It was very yummy today!! I may have to go back a couple of more times before I leave!

I was working on cleaning out more closets and rooms at the Olive St church building today. I hope to get one of the projects done this week. I won't be able to finish cleaning out the whole church before I go back to Nicaragua, but Sam and Becky Weaver are taking over the task. They are very good at it and I know they will be blessed by doing it.

Yesterday, I was blessed to join the Faithsetters (FBCR Senior Adults) for their monthly luncheon. One of the guys played guitar and sang some old hymns. It was really nice. We all joined in on a few of them. Raleigh (Sr Adult Pastor) had asked me to speak to the group a little about what I'm going to be doing in the future with FBCR Local Missions and Voice of Hope Ministry in Nicaragua. I always love talking about what God is up to.

It is so exciting to watch God at work. I think the biggest challenge for people everywhere is to slow down their lives enough to see what He is doing around them. I love the life that He allows me to live. The less material things I have, the more I can be available for His work. It's strange to me when people say they admire me for going and serving when and where He asks. I think I'm extremely blessed that I get to do these things. I wish and hope that I can do my best for Him each day. I know I fall short of that all the time. The life that He has given me is so precious to me. He is worthy of so much more than I can give back to Him. I pray that starting tomorrow I will spend more time focusing on Him and try harder to live my life in a way that is honorable and acceptable to Him.

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