Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 24, 2010

Another beautiful morning. I love those birds cawing at 5:30. (the team doesn't so much, but they are music to my ears. I can go back to sleep listening to them. And I love it.

This morning has been busy, getting ready for the fiestas and conference and crusade for today. We'll hurry and eat lunch and then head out for El Sauce. German is busy running errands for the team this morning. I tried calling him earlier and he didn't answer. When he called later I asked if there was a problem with his phone (you never know in Nic) and he said that it was on silent. Well, with the reception of these phones, my hearing loss and his Nic accent, I couldn't understand the word 'silent'. So he finally said 'mute', and then I got it. He laughed and asked if I was Russian or something, since I couldn't understand English. Ha! I have to say, that when I get engrossed in speaking Spanish, whether here or in Rogers with my Hispanic friends, I do lose my ability to speak good English. Oh well, I can butcher 2 languages instead of one. What an overachiever!

I worked on 'numbers' as German calls it. And sent some emails this morning. I haven't been on facebook to check in on a couple of friends who are going through some tough medical experiences right now. I wish I had more time to communicate, but I'm grateful to have the ability to use the internet at all. I can send up prayers for everyone no matter if I know their current status or not.

Time to run and get for lunch and to leave for the day. God has big things in store for us to do today. And we're ready!!

We got back late and I was tired, so I'm posting this on Thursday morning (early). Hope I can remember everything from yesterday and last night.

We packed up and the 2 vans that were here at the house went into Leon to meet the other van with German at the House of Bible (Bible bookstore) so the guys could pick out a few Bibles for the men/Pastor conference on Thursday. We split into the 3 vans and headed to On the Run for our usual stop for snacks. These stops seem to be getting longer rather than shorter, or maybe it's just me... Anyway, we got on our way.

It's a long drive 1.5-2 hours, depending on the traffic (which means how many tractors, old sputtering trucks, ox carts and horse carts, herds of animals crossing the road, or single cows or horses or pigs or whatever who are hanging out in the middle of the road). Part of the road is very bad with huge pot holes. Some of the road is very wavy because of the way that the earth beneath the pavers has settled. Even though we go very slow through this portion of the road, it can still make a person very car sick. It takes even longer to come home, since you can't see the holes until you up on them. Only one more trip there and one more trip back tonight. Pray for our vans as they have been faithful to make the trek with no problems so far.

The 2 areas for the fiestas were in areas that were mostly Christian, so we didn't see as many salvations today. But they are areas where the local churches are starting or strengthening their small groups and mission church. So it was beneficial for them to have us in the area. This gave the Pastors a chance to meet more people, talk with those who haven't been to a church for a long time, and get names of people in the area for their outreach.

The ladies of the team hosted a Women's Conference at the church and they said it went really well. They enjoyed doing it. At the end, they thanked everyone for coming and said goodbye and then left the 'stage' area. The women kept sitting there, so someone had to go back to tell them that it really was over. You just can't get enough of Christian fellowship!!

The crusade went really well. There were more people, as is the case each night as the crusade goes on. Thursday is the last night and should be big. Especially since the motorcycle will be given away.

Mary spoke on behalf of VOH and she was nervous. German and I talked her into it. She did good. I got a couple of pics of her on the stage and I call her Rock Star now.

Our dinner, that we paid on of the hosting churches to provide for us was really good! BarBQ beef, roasted potatoes with a white sauce, rice, salad with cold steamed veggies on the side. Everyone really enjoyed it. I didn't even pack peanutbutter this time because I know how yummy the food is, and with all the veggies, I have no trouble being able to eat the menu.

I don't know the total salvations for the day yet, but we met some great people, assisted many people in coming to know Christ, encouraged many Christians, assisted the churches in their outreach, planted seeds, gave out tons of New Testaments, grew in our own walks, and hopefully, glorified God in all things. Another great day serving the Lord.

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