Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 28, 2010

Sunday in Nic.
As I write this, I'm sitting on the upstairs veranda (we call the upper room) with my feet propped up, looking at the very last rays of the sunset over the ocean and listening to the waves as they get louder with the incoming tide. I hear bugs, geckos, birds, kids playing in the street, an occasional horn honking... It's so peaceful. I can't imagine being anywhere else right now. Even with the heat and the dirt, no air conditioning or hot water. It's perfect.

Mary and I had a quiet day today. We opted to stay home and have our own quiet time with God today. (saved money on a van and gas, too!) I washed 3 small loads of laundry (our washer can only handle small loads) and hung them out to dry. It didn't take long! I grabbed a nap in the afternoon.

I've been reading the book Radical, and I spent some time catching up on it. Then I worked a little on the classes that we'll be teaching at the villages and also to the translators. I also did some computer work. Over all, a quiet day.

There was some leftover filling for the canalones we had earlier in the week. It's kind of like chicken salad when cold, so I had that on a sandwhich and Mary had 2 leftover canalones for lunch. We made a yummy salad. I'm so glad to get lots of veggies on this trip. We had butter cookies for dessert. Oh, and we had watermelon for a snack. yum

Cuerpo Vivo church back in Rogers AR had a huge Hispanic Youth Conference this past 3 days. I hear it went really well. I'm so glad. I would have loved to have been there for it. I love that church family. And I know that many wonderful things were taught during the conference.

I've spent a lot of time today praying for friends going through some tough times. I wish I could reach across the miles and hug them all. God will hug them for me.

I guess I don't have a whole lot to put in print today. The bugs seem to be enjoying my computer screen and aggravating me, so I'll sign off for now.

Can't believe I've been here 11 days already. I know time will really fly by. Pray that I glorify God in every moment.

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