Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm resting a little bit before lunch. And it's heavenly.

After breakfast today, I worked on pulling together more ladies gifts for the fiestas today. A couple of the ladies from the team helped to pack the tubs for the fiestas and youth conference. We're all set with time for me to rest and them to have fun on the beach. They are going to be sooo tired tonight!

Jasmina is making chicken spaghetti for lunch today. It's pretty good, but the tomato sauce is more like ketsup and I'm not a big ketsup fan. I'll add some chilero sauce to it and it will be yummy.

We will be eating our dinner in El Sauce tonight, and I don't know what they are cooking and if I'll be able to eat it with my diet restrictions, so I packed a peanut butter sandwich and some carrots and cucumbers and an apple, just in case. Granola bars, raisins and dried fruit are usually in my backpack for snacks. I should be just fine. And if the dinner is something I can have, that's a bonus!!!

The team was very excited about the fiestas and feeding yesterday. I think they will really enjoy the rest of the week and all that God is going to be doing through them. I'm so glad that God allows us to be part of His plans. He doesn't need us and we usually are in the way, but He is so patient with us and teaches us through each experience. How much more we could learn if we just paid attention! He is faithful and forgiving and long-suffering. I'm so thankful. And so blessed.

Got home from the day's ministry at 11pm. That's earlier than anticipated. Everyone is heading to bed to be rested for tomorrow's long day. But everyone is very excited about what God has done today.

We loaded up and all met at On The Run (convenience store on the edge of town). One of the vans had taken a couple of the team leaders to meet German and go purchase the motorcycle that they are giving away on Thursday night. We all bought our snacks for the day and headed out to El Sauce for ministry.

The first fiesta was great. We had many salvations. Lots of people turned out for the fiesta in the neighborhood. The team did a good job with the drama and everything. The second fiesta was smaller but had good results. Over 200 people were saved in the 2 fiestas and street witnessing. These guys are loving the street witnessing!

At the same time as the fiestas, there was a Youth Conference at one of the churches. 140+ youth attended. It was very successful in reaching out to the youth. Therre were no salvations this afternoon, but many seeds were planted and a lot of the kids are already Christians. I'm sure they got a lot out of the conference.

We then went to a house next to the main church that we are working with. Some ladies had prepared our dinner and it was wonderful! No need for the peanut butter sandwich! We had baked chicken filets, rice, potatoes with mushroom type sauce, broccoli, cauliflower, fresh veggie salad and bread. It was really good. I can't wait until tomorrow! We changed into our 'church' clothes and headed over to the crusade site. It was a nice big area that was concrete (instead of the usual dirt). The stage looked good and everything was ready.

The team prayer walked around the area and some music was playing over the speakers from a cd. It was nice. Then, right before we were to start, the electricity went out to the whole area. The team gathered into a couple of groups and started praying for the power to come back on. It wasn't long until they got it going again. Thank You Lord! (we have done conferences and other things in the dark, by candlelight and flashlight when the power has went off).

German asked me to speak on behalf of VOH ministries, and to introduce the team members who were giving their testimonies. After I did that, I had to go and sit in one of the vans, as the volume of the speakers was hurting my currently disabled ears. I had a great time talking with Fabio and stretching my Spanish.

The crusade was very good. Pastor Charles did a great job with the message. Over 130 peopler made decisions for Christ. It was a good night. A little hot and humid, but not too bad. Lots of people in attendance, especially for a first night. The team is so excited about the next 2 nights.

I'm tired and ready for sleep. The next 2 nights will go by quickly. Need all the ZZZZZZs I can get! God is so generous in how He allows us to see Him work in this world that He created and with the people He loves so much. Father, help us to keep seeking to see these people through Your eyes. And show us how to share You with them.

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