Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 15 - 17, 2012

Friday (6/15) started with waking up to new faces. Mary, Mike, as well as part of the Estelí team arrived late night on Thursday. They are here to do a crusade in Posoltega this week. We all scrunched into a van and went to the Feeding Center at San Jacinto that was celebrating its first meal for the kids. We took a piñata and cookies to supplement the lunch. We met 4 of the cooks and I was blown away to find out that they have over 30 women who have volunteered to cook during the month. (one of the other feeding centers has been so difficult as far as cooks, that Sherry had to have a stern talk with the moms in the area) The kids received their IDs and a good hot lunch. God is working miracles in allowing us to provide food for these feeding centers. The team rested and went downtown for a little while for them to look around. I worked on computer stuff and feeding center records in the evening.

Saturday (6/16) Vans left to pick up the rest of the teams arriving for this week’s crusade. Of course, there were some delays, but everyone made it in safely before 8pm (scheduled to arrive in mid afternoon). It was raining hard and most of the team made it to the church service. I stayed back at the team house with Mary and we made sure that dinner was ready for everyone coming in late. We also helped them find their rooms and get settled for the night. Earlier in the day, I worked in the sewing room on preparing fabric and machines for a marathon Apron Sewing project. I’m thrilled that Connie (a team member) is happy to help out with the sewing. She is such a blessing to me! We’re making a total of about 60 aprons for the cooks at the feeding centers and I’m looking for all the help I can get! I did get a really nice nap in, though. I spent almost all day on apron project and felt good about the chunk of work we got done. I’m excited to get back to work on them this week. The group that was already here got to go to the beach for the morning. It was a great time of rest and relaxation for these guys after the week they spent at the Crusade in Estelí. I’m glad that they got to enjoy themselves.

Today, Sunday (6/17) We started off with groups going to different churches this morning. We had a wonderful lunch of grilled chicken, coleslaw, beans, rice and tortilla. After team orientation by Mike, the group split into work groups. Some prepared the toys and prizes for the Fiestas, the prizes and giveaways for the Conferences (Men, Women, Youth) this week, Mary and a few ladies helped clean up some changes in the Feeding Center sponsor picture books and I worked all afternoon putting new pictures in the picture book for La Quimera. A lot of work was accomplished today. I went to La Quimera church with Sherry, Manuel, Calen, Fred and Jonathan. Fred was going to preach as we dedicated the soccer team that is going to represent the church, but the players didn’t show up (they had a game!), so Pastor Brian did a great job. Before he got there, Manuel had Jonathan translate for him as he preached. He also got to help take up the offering. After collecting the money, he took it to Brian and ‘high-fived’ him. It was cute. Also, someone had a parakeet at church and Manuel had it on his finger. It was all fun until the bird pooped on Manuel’s hand. hahah

God has brought together teams from 3 different churches this week to work together on the Crusade in Posoltega. Mayela and I will try to get back to our regular work schedule on the Feeding Centers this week. There will be lots of Salvations and blessings galore this week. We have a great group and they are gelling well. God’s people are amazing!

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