Monday, June 4, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sandy and Terry get up really early and start getting a lot done before I get up. I think that Sandy also likes to have that time to herself, too. I know I love my alone time.

We got ready for the day and waited for Uncle Bob (Dad’s only surviving sibling) and his wife Susie. We all headed off for a road trip to Montgomery IN to have lunch at an Amish buffet restaurant. It was a 2 hour drive and I don’t look forward to long trips (because of my stomach) but it was pretty nice. It was a beautiful day and Susie kept us entertained with talking. Bob and Terry kept up a conversation in the front seat. I was good and hungry by the time we got there.

The food was really good. After stuffing ourselves, we walked around the flea market on the grounds. I found the cutest denim jacket from Disney World with embroidery for Minnie Mouse on it. It was sooo cute!

On the ride back, we stopped at a guy’s house that deals in ‘farm toys’ to give him some pictures of something that Dad had made. He has bought a lot of Dad’s collection. Then we hit the road again and I dozed off and on for most of the ride back. It was nice to spend time with Bob and Susie.

Sandy and I jumped in the car and headed to Walmart, where I spent a ton of my mad money (from the sales of Dad’s tractors) on stuff to take back to Nica. It was so fun to get to mark a lot of stuff off of my shopping list. I ended up washing the receipt and had to inventory everything. I will have to check the prices on my next trip to WM. Oh well… It was a good shopping trip!

Time for bed again. Another good day and another good night’s sleep.

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