Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The last few days have been graciously quiet and simple. Sunday at church was simple in both services (Anglo and Hispanic). Many people were out of town for Christmas and the weather was really cold. It was a great day for a nap. I laid down at 3pm and didn't wake up til 6!! But I still was in bed relatively early that night. It felt good to relax and rest.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of working with some great volunteers who helped me sort and organize a lot of stuff in the Missions Office. It would have taken at least all day for me to do it myself. It only took a couple of hours with the volunteers. I was blessed to have them there! I got to take a late afternoon nap on Monday, too, and slept for another 2 1/2 hours. I must be getting old and worn out! ha

Today I was blessed to get to run some errands and do some chores and then walk at the Wellness Center (what a great place! glad I'm over 50 so I qualify to join!) and then have lunch with my friend Zandra. While I was in Pea Ridge to meet Z, I stopped by the pharmacy to have a quick conversation with my friend Michael. I need to get together with him and Vickie soon. (yes, his wife's name is Vickie, too, so we call me 'Vickie-not-my-wife'. it sounds funny at first, but it works great) Anyway, it will be good to spend some time with them.

This afternoon I stopped by a consignment store that people have been telling me about and found some wonderful bargains. I decided to use the money I made from cat-sitting on some clothes. It was a nice place. I found some good bargains.

Speaking of the cat... I went by the Breazeale's house the last 3 mornings to feed the cat (Toby) and give her an insulin shot. She is a very docile cat, but she gets under the furniture and you have to fish her out. She doesn't fight you, but you gotta reach her first. The first 2 days I had to move the love seat and coffee table to get to her. On Sunday morning, I had to crawl under the huge Christmas tree (with a very low clearance) where I got a very small touch of her paw. I grabbed her collar and it snapped off. After crawling on my belly like a Marine, I finally reached her and got her out. I was sweaty and had pine needles in my hair, but I won!!! She was sweet and we had no further incidents in feeding her and getting her shot taken care of. Today, I only had to grab her under the sofa, no furniture moving involved, and she came willingly. All in all, it was fun and I enjoyed taking care of her in the mornings.

I made a ton of fudge last week and I've been sharing it with people each day. I put some in jars and decorated the lids to look like snow people wearing ear muffs. They turned out kind of cute. They looked funny on the table all together like a crowd of snowmen. (and the fudge turned out good, too!)

I have a bunch of computer work to do tomorrow, so I'll be working from my little home office. I'm looking forward to checking a lot of items off of my to do list. Can't wait to see how God leads the day.

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