Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's time for bed, but I thought I would post what has been going on for the past few days.

We are up to 161 Christmas Angels that we are supplying gifts for. People have stepped up and been so generous for these kids who need some Christmas cheer. I know the kids will love the gifts and the parents are getting the blessing of being able to put gifts under the tree. It is so fun to work on this project. I have always loved it.

Sunday I arrived at church before 8am to be around to accept the gifts that people were bringing in. By the time I left after Cuerpo Vivo worship at 2pm I was ready for lunch and a nap. I got lunch, but the nap turned into just a wish. Back to the church for a 5:30 meeting about the mission trip to Nicaragua. Some more gifts came in and I got them all locked up for the night.

Today, I was blessed with the help of 4 lovely Elves as we sorted and organized the gifts that have come in so far. School counselors and social workers were coming to pick up the gifts as we got them ready. We'll continue to do this the rest of the week. I'm so thankful for the people who have provided the gifts and for the Elves who are helping process them all. The school personnel are so grateful for how we are helping these families. The counselors and social workers see these needs week after week and it makes their hearts warm to see how FBCR has started projects to bless them. It's a blessing for us at FBCR to get to work through them so that all the blessings go to families who are really in need.

Saturday was filled with helping get items to the family who is relocating, shopping for Angel Tree and babysitting. I didn't make it to my ABF breakfast party, and I missed seeing the ladies, but there was too many responsibilities for the hours in the day. God allowed me to get a lot accomplished and of course, I had a blast babysitting for the Janes' kids. Little Phillip is getting bigger and had the most beautiful smiles. The kids were fun to be with, as always.

There were many items donated to the family who relocated. They couldn't believe the outpouring of generosity from people who don't even know them. It is so nice to be a part of this plan. God knows of all the resources that He spreads among us. He delights when we use those resources to bless each other. I'm thankful that He makes that possible.

I finally got my suitcase packed for house/dog sitting. Gus seemed to be happy to see me and in fact, he's laying next to me on the couch just snoring away! I believe he and I will be having a snoring competition tonight!

I had work to do tonight, so I didn't try to make any fudge. Maybe I'll work on it later in the week, or maybe I'll just wait till next week or even after Christmas!

I sure miss Jet and Deanna (ok, and LucyAlice the cat) already. I'll be stopping in a couple of time during the week to say hi. I'm sure Jet will take issue with the smell of Gus on me. I hope he forgives me once I get back home next week.

Well, time to go to bed so I'll be ready for another busy, fun-filled day of gift processing! I'll have a few Elves helping tomorrow, too. I'm thankful for that, among many other things that God provides. He is wonderful for thinking of all these ways to love each other and enjoy His plans.

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