Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's been a good couple of days.

Yesterday (Sunday) I wandered the halls of church with Angel Tree information and visited some of the ABF classes reminding everyone to adopt an angel. Quite a few were adopted and it made me very happy. I had to cover the traffic in the halls before and after all three services, so I missed out on Cuerpo Vivo's service. I did get home early (just after 1pm instead of close to 3pm) since I didn't stay for Cuerpo Vivo, but I missed being in that service, though. I told people that I was the 'walking Angel Tree'. Pat & Raleigh surprised me today with a headband that has a Christmas Tree on top that lights up. I think maybe I should wear it next Sunday when we collect the gifts for Angel Tree. :)

I am truly thankful for the people who are sacrificing money and time to give something to the Angels, who wouldn't be receiving any Christmas otherwise. It's interesting to see who participates in ministries like this. You can see the love of God in their eyes and countenance. I like to be around people like that. It makes my heart happy. There is a bond between people who put others first. That's my kind of people!

I spent a lot of hours this weekend working here at home on the Angel Tree info and Christmas Food Box info. I'm very blessed to be able to work from here. It's hard to get some types of work done when I'm at the church during the week, so I spend most of that time doing the physical stuff and running errands, etc. I do a lot of computer work at night and on weekends here in my little den. It's a good balance.

This morning I started bright and early with a 6:30am phone call about Angel Tree. Then I stopped by Walgreen's around 8am to pick up a few items that they had on sale with coupons. While there, I spied some fleece throws for a wonderful price. I loaded up for the Angel Tree. I was so excited about the bargains that I forgot to get a bottle of juice for my Spanish class!

Spanish class was very good today. We learned a lot, asked a lot of questions and even made Oliver excited with the way the class was going today. Oliver read John chapter 3 and also Luke 2 in Spanish. There was a lot of discussion about the names of Jesus. It was a very nice morning.

I stopped in the Food Pantry when I got to the church. They had 4 salvations today. Jim was all smiles. We need lots of food for the pantry, since we are seeing so many people come for assistance. I hope more people will volunteer for the new year, too. Those who have come to work it have really enjoyed it. Jim and Shirley do a good job of directing it. It's a good feeling to be part of God's plan in touching lives.

I got to have a nice lunch with Janalynn today. It was good to have a sit-down meal and have time to just chat. A little more work on the Christmas projects in the afternoon and then I stopped by Walgreen's on the way home to pick up some more bargains for the Angels.

Deanna had really yummy homemade vegetable soup ready for dinner. It was good on this chilly night. Jet went outside while I carried stuff in from the car. He seemed to think that was a good alternative to a walk, since it was so cold.

I downloaded some more Christmas songs on my iPod and did some laundry. I'm heading to bed early tonight. There's only a few more weeks until Christmas and I want to enjoy every moment of the season. I need to find the right time to start making fudge. I'm going to make 8 different kinds. It will be everywhere! I hope people will like getting it for gifts. Of course, I have to keep it out of Deanna's grasp. She told me she is a fudge-aholic and that I should lock it up. I'll have to pray over it!

I'm enjoying the life that God is allowing me right now. I'm anxious to see what He has planned for me in the coming year. He's so full of wonderful surprises!

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