Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, Sept 14, 2011

Almost time for bed, but I promised myself to update more often.

Monday was a good, productive day working at home. Lots of phone calls, emails, appointment making, studying, praying and thinking. The time to leave for Nica for 3 months is coming closer each day. I had a good time contemplating things while walking in the cool morning.

Tuesday I enjoyed Ladies Bible Study, lunch with Cathy Krupka and then babysitting with Genesis. The Bible Study these past days, along with the lecture time and small group discussion was right on point for me concerning the things I have been dealing with emotionally the last few weeks. God's perfect timing again! Lunch with Cathy was great. It's always good to spend time with her. We also got a chance to talk more about the future Ladies mission trip to Nica. I got home at 2:20 and was supposed to get picked up at 2:30 to babysit. Tight schedule! Genesis and I had a great time having tea parties with her dolls and stuffed animals, playing with Barbies, riding her bike around the cul-de-sac, eating ice cream from the little ice cream truck (man have prices went up since I was a kid!) and then we picked up Mom and visited with Jet (the dog) when I was dropped off at home. I loved spending time with Genesis.

Today, I had to cut my walk short to 3 miles because the sprinkles got a little stronger and I started out a little later than usual. I did my Bible study and then got ready for my afternoon out. I had a lovely lunch with Beth Sevey and enjoyed our time together so much. She's such a neat lady! I got home and had about 45 minutes to get some work done before leaving to babysit Genesis again. It was too cool to play outside this afternoon, but I had a project for us to work on anyway. I brought a kid's size apron and some colored paint pens for Genesis to decorate to wear for her tea parties. She was trying to match colors to the drawing, which was me, her and her 'friends' (dolls and stuffed animals) having a tea party. She even matched what I was wearing. She had trouble with a few things, though, and couldn't find salt and pepper color for me. She said "Ms Vickie, your hair is weird!" I thought that was so funny!

I got home and did some cleaning out of some 'not needed anymore' files. I gathered the items that I will need for my 2 appointments for tomorrow. Jet needed his evening walk, and it was too chilly for Deanna, so I took him. It was a short walk, but he was happy anyway.

I'm so excited about what God is doing in Nica. I can't wait to get down there and start some Bible studies with the ladies in a couple of neighborhoods. After talking with Beth today at lunch, I'm even more ready! I'm trying not to stress over the departure coming quickly. I definitely want to get there. I just get anxious that I will forget to do something here these last days. But it will all work out. I'm trusting God to give me brain cells worthy for the challenge!

Yesterday and Today's Bible Study reading was the book of Esther. God's plans are always great and we can't fathom how He thinks or how He is going to use people. How awesome to trust Him!

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