Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, Sept 22, 2011

It's Thursday and I'm posting again already. I'm getting better!

Yesterday I worked here at the house for the morning. Then I went with Deanna and Amy over to visit our friend Floys, who had asked for me to come along. Floys had sorted through her sewing closet and bagged up 5 huge stacks of fabric for me to take to Nicaragua for our new sewing ministry. It was a nice visit and I'm glad that I got the chance to go.

Last night we had a meeting for the whole Strategic Mission Team for FBCR. It was a really good meeting and I think we all benefited from Pastor Wes' comments and the reports from each of the 3 sub-committees. We're moving forward and making improvements on communication. This team is the substitute for us not having a Misisons Pastor right now. I was glad to hear that the church will be putting more focus on missions now that moving into the new building is accomplished. We do a lot, but there is so much more to do in this world to spread the Gospel.

I was happy to spend a few minutes talking to my friend and Dr, Bob. I had to brag on my good blood pressure numbers. It's nice to share good news with your Dr sometimes instead of just describing physical complaints.

It was nice to chat with Lance about a possible date for a medical team to come to Nica. And to talk with Shana about training some young ladies to teach her Bible study to some Nica young ladies.

Today I had to skip my walk because of rain. I'm really getting tired to missing my walks. I will be glad to get back to Nica where it's sunny more of the time, even during the rainy season.

Edie picked me up mid-morning and we went to start prepping a room for paint and redecorating. Next Tuesday will be Ministry Day for the ladies of the Women's Bible Study and a small group of ladies will be going to this room to finish it up. Edie and I had fun cleaning, removing hardware, shopping for primer and other supplies, having a quick lunch and then painting primer all over the room. We got the chance to get to know each other better and were feeling pretty happy after smelling the strong paint odors. :)

I got home about 4:30 and cleaned up. My friend Zandra picked me up at 5:30 and we went to the High School so her daughter could take pictures of her Jr High football team. Hannah is on the yearbook team and the football team is her assignment for the season. (smart girl) Anyway, Zandra and I sat in her truck in the school parking lot and talked during the game. It was really good to catch up. We need to spend more time doing that, but we seem to only get one chance for every time I'm in the states. But we promised to stay in touch through email a lot more.

Another big day is planned for tomorrow. I would love to get to walk in the morning, but I'm not sure the weather will be good enough (or that I will wake up at 6:30 to head out). I can't believe that I leave for Nica in a week. I get overwhelmed sometimes thinking that I'm going to forget something important or not pack enough or my suitcase will be over weight or...

I'm looking forward to spending 3 months in Nica this time. It will the week after Christmas when I get back to the states. I know a lot will happen with the ministry while I'm there. It's going to be great. I love seeing God at work.

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