Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This week has went by fast. We've been staying at the Hulsey's house and sharing the internet cord with the team at the team house, so I haven't had a chance to post.

Sunday, we joined the team from Jacksonville FL for 8 church services. After morning church, we went by the team house to have lunch with the team, but the food wasn't ready yet, so we came on home to the Hulsey's house and had leftovers. It was strange to be at the house and not have a place to even put our Bibles or bags. The team has taken over the entire house. It was kind of nice to just come home to the Hulsey's and relax. We haven't shared a meal with the team all week due to logistics. We usually eat the left overs for our next meal. We've enjoyed the food very much.

It's been a different kind of week than usual. The team has been working in Nagarote this week, doing Fiestas, Conferences and Crusade services. We've only seen them a couple of times.

Beth arrived on Tuesday and we all met up in León at La Unión to buy the second round of groceries for the team. That's take a couple of hours. We rode into town with one of the van drivers and then rode home in ChinChin (our van) after Danilo dropped it and Beth off. We had ice cream and shopped a little bit at the Central Park. After we got to the team house and put the groceries away, we went to Suyapa for dinner. It was closed due to the holiday. So we went down the road to the Barco Oro restaurant in Las Peñitas (where I turn around on my morning walks) and had dinner. It was good, but not as good as Suyapa. We were tired when we got home.

Mary, Kearsten, Bethany and I have been working at the Sewer Pond neighborhood. Beth joined us on Wed and Thurs. We've done VBS and a quick class for the women. The team was coming by today to do a feeding there after we finished today.

A couple of us have had some tummy issues today and I stayed home this evening and copied some cds for one of the girls on the team. My stomach is doing a little better and I hope to be able to walk my 4.5 miles tomorrow morning.

There have been around 700 salvations so far this week. I don't have a total number yet. A lot of work has gone on. God has been praised and shared and glorified. It's been nice for our little VOH team to work together separate from the big team for a change, too.

Jeremy has been our driver and translator for our VOH team and has been so gracious to us. Of course he has had a much easier daytime schedule since we have only been out for half days. But then again, he has had to put up with us...

Sherry has worked so hard this week making sure that the meals come together and the house stays in one piece. This team is a challenge since they are so large and they treat the house more like a hotel than a ministry house. It will take some hard hours of work to turn it around for the next team that arrives on Sat (the same day that this team leaves). But we are up for the challenge!

Mike has worked extremely hard this week, too. He has been going out early with the team, working with them all day and then coming back late at night with them (and us when we go to the crusade services). I've probably only seen him a total of 2 hours all week long and we are living in the same house this week!

He and German are pretty much satisfied with the way things are going this week. The translators are working hard (even though on person on the team seems to think that she has the right to use her limited spanish skills to correct them when they are working). I have to say that our translators are wonderful. We feel that they are family and we appreciate them very much. They do a good job of making the teams feel special and they sometimes take a lot of aggravation when working with different personality types. They truly have servants' hearts.

We've been by our new team house a couple of times this week. They are making progress on cleaning it up. I'm looking forward to seeing it when it gets painted. I can't wait to move in and live there!

There are lots of little things about this week that I have wanted to remember to post, but I just can't think of them right now. Maybe one day, I'll sit and peruse them and God will allow them to come to mind. Until then, I guess I can at least say that I am so blessed to be serving here in Nica. Some days are hard and I'm often tired, but I'm always blessed.

Kearsten and Bethany are going on the Fun Day with the team tomorrow. We'll start packing up our stuff to go back to the team house on Saturday and start getting that place in order in short time. It will be a whirlwind on Saturday, so I think I'll try to get as much done tomorrow as possible and to rest a little, too.

It's hard to believe that we only have one more week and then it's back to the states for 2 months. I have lots to do there, but the time will fly by, too.

All of our days are fleeting, if you stop to think about it. We should do our best to be good stewards of our time. A precious gift from God.

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